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Who wants to be my partner? : Internet users disappointed by a blind test application (VIDEO)

This Wednesday, January 18, a new issue of Who wants to be my partner? was broadcast on M6. Companies have gone in front of investors to try to convince them to join them in their adventure. Among them, three men who promote a blind test application. A project that is not unanimous among Internet users.

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Already several weeks since the third season of Who wants to be my partner? is broadcast on M6. Several companies, such as Lapee, Paille d’O and Aglaé, have already presented their work to investors. Small businesses that have only had positive feedback thanks to the filming, but also and above all, since the broadcast on the air. This Wednesday, January 18, new people unveiled their company to Jean-Pierre Nadir, Isabèle Chevalier, Delphine André or Anthony Bourbon. Among them, Mickaël, Antoine and Augustin who came to talk about This is blind testthe revolutionary and innovative system to liven up the evenings.

Investors are not thrilled: “The subject does not interest me at all

Blind tests already exist, but the three entrepreneurs have created a new version using voice recognition. Thanks to an application installed on smartphones, investors can test their application. All they have to do is listen to the song being played and say the name of the artist out loud for their phone to register their response. After reflection, Éric Larchevêque notes the professionalism of the team but admits having “a problem“: The subject does not interest me at all. Marc Simoncini is not thrilled either, just like Jean-Pierre Nadir and Delphine André who do not agree to give 375,000 euros to hold only 5% of the capital.

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Internet users do not validate this project

Despite the goodwill of the three men on M6, Internet users, who should be the first users of this music application, do not seem really seduced. On Twitter, many criticized the price and the originality of the project. “Nothing new and moreover it’s too expensive”, “It sucks a bit like a project… it’s not revolutionary either”, “This type of application already exists, it’s not phew”, write some Internet users. Others regret that the application is not easy to use. An element that does not make them want to know more. “It seems like a mess with their app”, “Oh the mess of the blindtest, you have to have the app, create an account olala“, can we read.

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