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Why are Easter Sunday, April 17 and 23, key dates in Kate Middleton’s possible return?

Why are Easter Sunday, April 17 and 23, key dates in Kate Middleton's possible return?

We have had assumptions body doubles, Photoshop confirmed, this media : se It allows walk ahead about William? blurry videosblurred lines, fuzzier and now double jersey sleeves, but are we saving the best for last?

Could Kate Middleton really make a great comeback from her absence that shook the Internet … Easter Sunday?

If this theory came out as a comedian’s punchline, it would be greeted with a snort and a little shake of the head, not a laugh suggesting hilarity, but we could all see that second-coming line from a mile away. .

But, as they say, facts are often stranger than fictionand we have certainly followed that line until now.

What does the royal family do on Easter Sunday?

Hay many ways to celebrate Easter: Some people eat chocolate eggs, others get together and celebrate as a family, or if you’re like me, watch Dr. No for the fourteenth time. The traditional plan of the Royal Family Easter Sunday is a walk through the grounds of Windsor Castle to the Easter matins service at St George’s Chapel, Windsor. If the Princess of Wales were to attend, she would be the first time she is officially seen in public since Christmas day.

El Telegraph reports that Kate was ready to recover privately, at home, until after Easter and? He is not expected to return to public engagements until the week beginning April 15 at the earliest. as the family takes a three-week break for the Easter holidays starting March 22.

However, one palace source told the newspaper that there had been no confirmation in any way just adding more fuel to the fire about whether it is well enough after a few difficult weeks after abdominal surgery.

Could Kate Middleton return on April 17 or 23?

April 17 It is a date that has been mentioned as possible return es when the school holidays end for Prince George, 10, Princess Charlotte, 8, and Prince Louis, 5. Everyone will return to school then, although there is no official information. Plans haven’t been confirmed either, meaning we still don’t know if we’ll see Kate at that time.

Five days later, the April 23rdKate y William celebrarn the sixth birthday of his youngest son. Despite the recent furor, reports say there is still hopes they maintain the annual tradition of publishing a new photograph to commemorate their children’s birthdays. Be attentive to that.

They appreciate the public’s love and affection for their children and know there is a public appetite to see them on their birthdays, one attendee said. al Times. Obviously, they forgot to mention the people on the Internet.

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