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Why do Cubans bathe with clothes on the beach?

Why do Cubans bathe with clothes on the beach?

Unveiled “the mystery”. A influencers Cuban finally explained why Cubans bathe with clothes on the beach.

In recent years it is typical to see Cubans bathing with clothes on the beaches. The image is common in the marine waters of the island as in those of Miami, where the phenomenon is even more exaggerated, in the opinion of some.

Also striking is the fact that bathers do not only use clothing suitable for water, but of any type, whether on beaches or swimming pools.

Now, in the middle of the summer season, there are many who wonder the reason for such an apparently anachronistic image. However, the tiktoker nesty_wtf I already had an explanation for it since last summer.

As explained in a video Uploaded to this social network in mid-August last, Cubans bathe with clothes to protect themselves from the sun, especially due to the non-existence of protective sun creams in their stores.

“The last thing Cubans want is to burn, but foreigners like to sunbathe, get a tan… But Cubans, since they constantly have that sun, the least they want is to burn, so they always put on their sweaters to protect themselves,” he explained. the young man while taking a bath on a beach with a long-sleeved shirt.

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