Why doesn't Shakira go to prison if her sentence is more than two years?

Shakira will not go to jail. The rest of the trial will not be held either. All because of agreement that the Colombian singer has reached with the Prosecutor’s Office, which requested more than eight years in prison, and the State Attorney. An agreement that meant that the artist’s intervention in the Barcelona Court lasted barely ten minutes, and in which the accused only spoke four words.

The one from Barranquilla admitted that he defrauded the Treasury of 14 million euros between 2012 and 2014agreeing to pay 3.3 million euros as a fine. A wolf always chooses her family, were the words he shared on his social networks, pointing out that he has reached this agreement for his children. Some words that coincide with the statement she issued through her lawyers: It has been a difficult and thoughtful decision, motivated by the desire to focus on the care of her children and her professional career. It is not a triumph to win if the price is having so many years of your life stolen… for me, today, winning is getting my time back… My children have asked mego.


The singer Shakira with her lawyers. David Zorrakino / Europa Press 11/20/2023To David DebtEuropa Press

A sentence of more than two years, without prison

The Prosecutor’s Office reduced the prison request from eight to three years, and the money to be paid from 23 million euros to seven.. A request that the singer’s defense has accepted. It should be noted that the law provides that a convicted person will not go to prison if the sentence does not exceed two years. Now, why not go to prison if your sentence is longer than two years?

Well then, He will not go to prison because, although he has accepted three years, it is actually six months for each of the six convictions for fraud against the Treasury.. This way, None of them reach two years, and this has precisely helped him avoid prison.. His entry is suspended for two years with the commitment not to commit a crime again.

On the other hand, the agreement reached with the Prosecutor’s Office also states that The prison sentence is changed to the payment of another fine of almost half a million, 432,000 euros.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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