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Why Harry was left by his girlfriends – why Meghan stayed

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From: Annemarie Goebbel


On 500 pages of his book “Spare”, Prince Harry not only gives an insight into his marriage to Meghan and the relationship with his mother Princess Diana. Harry looks back at his exes and reveals why none of them wanted to stay with him.

London – Actually, one might think that everyone should be fighting for a prince. Whether too Prince Harry (38) was of the opinion, he does not reveal in his memoirs. But the fact that three ex-girlfriends are on his account, the second-born of the British King Charles (74) can not overlook. As a father of two and a happy husband, he summarizes why he was always left before Meghan Markle (41). It always ended the same.

In his 20s, Prince Harry was completely infatuated with Chelsy Davy

Prince Harry’s most famous ex-girlfriend, Chelsy Davy (37), was the first love filmed by the royal media circus. The couple stayed together from 2004 to 2010 and it was quite a serious relationship, Chelsy was even there when the wedding bells finally rang for Meghan and Harry. They reportedly met while Harry was in Cape Town, South Africa during a gap year. Born in Zimbabwe, Chelsy then moved to Leeds to study law. The relationship became more serious – and could no longer be kept secret.

In his 20s, Prince Harry was completely infatuated with Chelsy Davy © Prinsloo Lock/dpa & Toby Melville/dpa & Facundo Arrizabalaga/dpa

“The press was always doing better,” Harry recalls in “Spare”. “They stalked and harassed me and everyone in my inner circle. Chelsy told me paparazzi had followed her on her way to and from classes. She asked me to do something about it.” But even in Cape Town she was not safe from the press. It didn’t go any further. “What could I say? I would miss her so much,” Harry writes.

Florence Brudenell-Bruce and Cressida Bonas follow Chelsy and are pursued

Harry then met Florence Brudenell-Bruce (37). “I was crazy about her,” he admits candidly on Spare. The romance ended abruptly: “They rummaged and rummaged, pulled out everything, called everyone she had ever known. They were already targeting their family”, describes Harry. Florence couldn’t take it anymore. The relationship with Cressida Bonas (33) lasted from 2012 to 2014. Despite all caution, the press got wind of a concert visit. It became intolerable for Cressida and again the separation followed.

In 2016, Prince Harry found an ally in Meghan Markle for the first time in the fight against manhunts in front of camera lenses and does not shy away from legal means. Before the pressure became too much for the couple, they turned their backs on royalty and fled to the United States. Since then, the Sussexes have been producing podcasts and documentaries with great success and, with their company Archewell, are committed to topics that are close to their hearts. “It felt like it was time to tell my own story myself,” the ex-royal says of Spare. Sources used:, “Spare”, Penguin Random House.

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