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Why is there no National Lottery Draw today, May 4, and when is the Mother’s Day Extra?

Why is there no National Lottery Draw today, May 4, and when is the Mother's Day Extra?

This Saturday there will be no National Lottery draw. The reason is Mother’s Day, a day that is celebrated in Spain on the first Sunday in May in which we all take the opportunity to enjoy our mothers. State Lotteries and Betting takes advantage of this designated date to hold a single draw and move the one corresponding to Saturday to Sunday.

In addition to the gifts that are usually given to mothers on this day, It is common for these extraordinary draws to be held, both by the National Lottery and by the National Organization of the Spanish Blind (ONCE).

Why is there no National Lottery draw today, May 4, and when is it?

In this 2024, the Extraordinary Mother’s Day Giveaway It will take place on Sunday, May 5, at 9:00 p.m. in the State Lottery and Betting Draw Room and will be governed by the multiple drum system. The broadcast of this draw It consists of ten series of 100,000 banknotes each at 150 euros per banknote, divided into tenths of 15 euros. And, in total, 70% of what was issued will be distributed in prizes, that is, 105 million euros.

What are the prizes that are distributed?

For this draw, the issue consists of 10 series of 100,000 tickets each at 150 euros per ticket, each divided into tenths of 15 euros. Those furthest behind can still get a tenth for this draw, in which 70% of what is issued will be distributed as prizes, that is, 105 million euros.

He jackpot prize of the draw will be a single tenthwhat be awarded with almost 15 million euros, specifically 14,870,000 euros. It will be for the tenth person who has the five figures of the first prize, in addition to the fraction and series extracted later.

Furthermore, the one considered as first prize distribute 130,000 euros to the tenth (1,300,000 euros for the series), while the second prize will be awarded 25,000 euros after the tenth (250,000 euros for the series).

Minor awards

As in other draws, prizes will be awarded to those numbers that are close to the winners and two, three and four-digit draws will also be made. All of these winners will be rewarded with somewhat smaller prizes than the previous ones. They are the following:


  • Five 4-figure extractions who will be awarded 3,750 euros (375 euros to the tenth)
  • Fifteen 3-digit extractions who will be awarded 750 euros (75 euros to the tenth)
  • Two 2-digit extractions who will be awarded with 300 euros (30 euros to the tenth)


The holders of some tenth will also be blessed. with the previous and/or subsequent number first prize with 24,000 euros (2,400 for tenth) and second prize with 15,325 euros (1,532.5 for tenth).


As happens in other draws, those people who have a tenth whose last figure matches that of the first prize will be able to recover the 15 euros that the ticket cost them. And the same happens if the ending is the same as that of one of the two extractions of a figure made at the end of the draw.


Completions that go beyond the last figure will also be rewarded. In this way, those who own a tenth whose last two or three numbers match those of the first prizewill be awarded 75 euros.


Others say that they will be rewarded with the same amount of money, 75 eurosare those whose belong to the hundred both first and second prize.

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