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Why Michel Sardou decided to go back on stage with a new tour

Five years after his farewell tour, the singer is preparing to return to the stage. Guest of BFMTV, he explains the reasons for this return.

After the farewells, the return. Michel Sardou, who announced his musical retirement after a final tour in 2018, will soon be back on stage with a new singing tour. I remember a goodbye will take him on the roads of France from October 2023. His fans, delighted, can thank his wife:

“My wife told me something quite true: ‘If you stop definitively, you will be bored, and you will miss the great moments and the public.'”, he told this Wednesday on the BFMTV set, partner of the tour.

“I’m lucky to have an audience that likes me, who knows my songs, who knows me and who welcomes me every time with a lot of warmth,” he added. And an impressive figure proves him right: in mid-December, no less than 100,000 tickets for his tour sold out in the space of eight hours.

Surprise the audience

For a return in style, the singer is keen to innovate: “I don’t want to copy and paste what I did last time,” he says. For this, he intends to rethink his greatest hits:

“You will hear them again, but in a different way. The essence will be saved, I will not change the melodies and the lyrics, but I will do it in a certain way that people do not expect. I want to surprise them with what they already know.”

And to give rise to a touch of mystery: “We invented a system, I think we’ve never seen it in France, and you’re going to get a kick out of it. On the intros, the way of orchestrating, of to dress up the song, to stage it…”

A few days before his 76th birthday, which he will celebrate on January 26, Michel Sardou does not hide the fact that a return to the stage requires some fitness. “I’ll be very honest: the high C of France or some Connemara Lakes, I won’t do it again. But I work every day (with a singing teacher, editor’s note) so that the difference is not so noticeable.

“You have to remember the mechanics,” he concludes. “It’s a mechanism, a breath. Age is coming… it’s like an athlete: ask a 40-year-old athlete to play tennis again, he will go slower, he will hit less hard.”

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