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Why will the lyrics of the songs of the live action of ‘The Little Mermaid’ change (and what are they)?

One of the most anticipated premieres for the following months of this 2023, is el live action de The little Mermaid (here we leave the last trailer). Since its production was announced, it raised doubts among fans about how necessary it was to revive this story; and things got much worse, sadly, when it was revealed to the cast with an Afro-descendant protagonist.

The way of live action The little Mermaid It has been complicated, because as we see, has been marked by various controversies ranging from the departure of Harry Styles from talks to play Prince Eric, to the racist comments that Halle Bailey has received.

And now, unfortunately, this live action of The little Mermaid could have another scandal after they were announced the changes in the lyrics of two of the most popular songs on the tape: “Kiss the Girl” or “Kiss her” and “Poor Unfortunate Souls” or “Poor Unfortunate Souls”.

Official poster of ‘The Little Mermaid’ / Photo: Disney.

Changes in the lyrics of ‘The Little Mermaid’

The animated movie The little Mermaid It premiered in 1989, more than 30 years ago. So some situations from the original tape could now be a bit strange if they are carried out in the same way as the live action of this 2023. Why? Why do we have to consider current conversations about inclusion, representation and even issues related to abuse of power or sexual violence.

This debate is quite broad, since it involves talking about the why bring these stories back at the cost of some changes instead of writing original plots that adapt to the needs of today’s audience. And on the other hand, the rejection of inclusion and representation.

And it is from these two that the changes arose in some songs of the live action of The little Mermaid. Alan Menken, the composer and genius behind the music for several Disney classics such as Beauty and the beast, Aladdin y The little Mermaidrevealed during an interview for Vanity Fair what are the songs that will have changes and the reasons behind them.

Halle Bailey as Ariel in the live action of ‘The Little Mermaid’ / Photo: Disney.

Why the change in “Kiss her” in the live action of ‘The Little Mermaid’?

The moment of “Kiss the Girl” or “Kiss her” shows us Ariel and Eric walking around the town. He’s trying to find out who she is. since he has no voice. However, as she guesses his name and his story, Ariel’s friends they urge him, through the song, to kiss her so that Úrsula’s spell can be broken.

That is to say that if he kisses her, she could recover her voice and show Eric that she is the one who saved him after the accident on the boat, as well as being the owner of the voice that enchanted him after the incident. As we remember, when he is about to kiss her, Úrsula’s eels capsize the boat and it’s all over.

Menken said in an interview that the change for this song in the live action of The Little Mermaid comes from the fact that some people became “sensitive” with the idea that Prince Eric could somehow “force Ariel to kiss him” without her consent.

And what about “Poor Unfortunate Souls”?

Menken also said that they were reviewing the lyrics of the song “Poor Unfortunate Souls”. This musical moment occurs when Ariel, desperate to be with Eric, turns to the Sea Witch (Ursula) for help.

Úrsula begins to sing that some “unfortunate souls” wanted things that she helped them get. But he also tells her that everything has a price, and that when people who approach her don’t comply, they will suffer the consequences. This is how Aiel signs a contract where she gives up her voice to be human…

Ariel and Eric in the live action of ‘The Little Mermaid’ / Photo: Disney.

For this song, the changes come from the idea that some young women may feel “unable to express themselves or speak up” if they are dissatisfied even though in the movie, “Ursula is manipulating Ariel into giving up her voice.”

Many believe that this change could come from the part where Úrsula says The men up there don’t like a lot of blabber, they think a girl who gossips is a bore, yet on land, it’s much preferred for ladies not to say a word”.

The live action of The Little Mermaid

El live action de The little Mermaid Directed by Rob Marshall will be released on May 26, 2023. Halle Bailey takes the leading role as Ariel alongside Jonah Hauer-King like prince eric The rest of the cast is made up of Javier Bardem like Triton, Melissa McCarthy as Úrsula along with various characters played by Daveed Diggs, Awkwafina, Jacob Tremblay y Noma Dumezweni.

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