will suffer the consequences

CARACAS.- A former US military officer threatened this Wednesday Nicolas Maduro and several high-ranking officials of his regime to face “the consequences” of not respecting the will expressed at the polls by the Venezuelan people in the presidential election last Sunday after the National Electoral Council (CNE)an organization controlled by the regime, gave the victory to Maduro with 51% without showing the minutes that certify those results and in the middle of the allegations of fraud from the opposition.

Eric Princea former US Navy officer and ex-SEAL, wrote on his X account “the people of Venezuela have proven themselves worthy of the world’s support in their efforts to rid themselves of all of you. FREE PEOPLE will triumph” and He warned: “True Americans will not tolerate abuse of those seeking freedom. SAY NO TO SOCIALISM!” The International Criminal Court or worse awaits you. Go now in peace!

In his post, Prince mentioned several members of the Maduro regimeamong them: God given hair, Jorge Rodriguez, Cilia Floreshe Minister of Defense, Vladimir Godfatherhe Director of the General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence (DGCIM), Alexander Grankohe Minister of the Interior, Remigio Ceballosamong others.

Prince was the founder of a security company called Blackwater, although it later changed its name after it was involved in a scandal following the deaths of Iraqi civilians in Baghdad during the Iraq war.

According to the Venezuelan political prisoner, the commissioner Ivan SimonovisPrince served on missions in Haiti, the Middle East and the Balkans.

Simonovis added that the former US Navy officer “has the training, as well as a team with operational and intelligence capabilities and with the ability to carry out a surgical operation to capture @NicolasMaduro and other henchmen in order to collect the reward of more than $100 million that the US government is offering to all these criminals.”

In December 2019, it emerged that Prince had traveled to Caracas a month earlier, in November of that year, to meet secretly with Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez, one of several dozen Venezuelan officials sanctioned by Washington. At the time, Prince is believed to have asked for the release of the six former employees of Citgo, the US subsidiary of Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA. Two weeks later, the six men—five of them with both Venezuelan and US nationality—were granted house arrest. The former Citgo employees were eventually released in 2022 and 2023 in prisoner swaps between the Maduro regime and the US.

Venezuela held presidential elections on Sunday in which the CNE announced favorable results for Maduro, to whom it gave 51% of the votes, while the opposition Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia awarded 44%. The leader Maria Corina Machado They claim that they have the voting records that prove that the CNE committed fraud and that González Urrutia is the president-elect, having obtained 73% of the votes compared to Maduro’s 30%.

On Monday, the CNE declared Maduro the winner of the elections without the counting being completed and has not yet shown the minutes to verify the result it announced.


Source: EDITORIAL / With information from AP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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