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With a new single: Stefan Mross’ ex Anna-Carina Woitschack overtakes Helene Fischer

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It has not been easy for Anna-Carina Woitschack in recent months. Now it seems that the pop singer is finally going uphill privately and professionally.

Austria – Anna-Carina Woitschack (30) has had an eventful year. The Schlager star announced her separation from the presenter Stefan Mross (47) for “Always Again” some time ago, after the two had previously spoken publicly about their ongoing marital problems. For Anna-Carina, this meant both a private and a professional restart – after all, for a long time she was known more or less exclusively as the wife of the famous folk musician. But now things finally seem to be going uphill for the “Paradise of Eternity” interpreter!

As Anna-Carina Woitschack reports in a recent story on her official Instagram account, she took second place in the Austrian iTunes hit charts with her single “Das Beste (Zero & DeNiro Remix)”. The thoroughbred musician only had to admit defeat to her colleague Maite Kelly (43), who is currently leading the hit parade with her hit “I need a man”. Particularly interesting: With her song, Anna-Carina Woitschack overtook the successful Austrian Melissa Naschenweng (32) and even the undisputed hit queen Helene Fischer (38), who took third and fifth place with their songs.

Anna-Carina Woitschack could achieve her final breakthrough in 2023

Apparently the changes in Anna-Carina Woitschack’s life gave her the right motivation to hit the ground running musically. “Thank you,” she addressed her followers in her Instagram story briefly and succinctly. The fact that she can continue to rely on the support of her fan community is not a matter of course for the 30-year-old. After all, there had recently been some quarrels with her fan club, from which Anna-Carina had also separated after her marriage.

Now, however, the hit interpreter finally seems to be looking ahead again. With a new partner at her side and her first apartment of her own, Anna-Carina Woitschack wants to hit the ground running in 2023. The fact that her new single has already been able to get the silver medal in the charts is without a doubt a good omen.

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