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Without make-up in the tub: Daniela Katzenberger needs time for herself after affairs

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Without make-up in the tub: Daniela Katzenberger needs time for herself after affairs Zoff © Imago Images / Instagram

This year’s jungle camp turned Daniela Katzenberger’s life upside down. After all the excitement, the cat needs time for itself.

Mallorca – For Daniela Katzenberger (36) there is a little wellness break in the bathtub. In the dim light, the blonde seems to have made herself comfortable in the tub at home, as a no-makeup selfie in her Instagram story suggests. The influencer, who is otherwise not at a loss for words, only writes “Me-Time”. It’s no wonder that the cat needs a break after the turbulent weeks. “The last few weeks have really been hell,” the blonde recently admitted, breaking her silence on the family drama.

For the family around the cat, the “jungle camp” probably changed everything. Husband Lucas Cordalis (55) actually only wanted to travel to the other end of the world for about three weeks to follow in the footsteps of his late father Costa Cordalis († 75) in the Australian bush. In other words, Lucas wanted to be king of the jungle, just like his father. So much for the plan – the reality, however, looked different. Cordalis prevailed in the jungle until the end, but only ended up in the disappointing third place and his jungle companion and father-in-law Peter Klein (63) also caused viral family drama and a marriage before the shards.

Daniela Katzenberger is all the more grateful for her Valentine’s Day sweetheart

While Peter Klein kept his fingers crossed for his son-in-law as moral support in the Failure Hotel in Australia, the cat’s stepfather also fell in love with actress Yvonne Woelke (41), who also stayed in the Failure Hotel as companion of Djamila Rowe (55). Peter recently confirmed this in a statement, making Daniela’s parents’ marriage a sad certainty.

The cat then shared a sad smiley in her story via Instagram and said when asked by RTL about celebrity expert Steffi Bruggs: “I really don’t have the words, we are so disappointed”. Katzenberger seems all the happier that she has her loved one by her side again. After the hot bath, the 36-year-old shares a sweet snapshot of the couple in love with her followers on Valentine’s Day.

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