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Without white flags: Georgina Barbarossa aimed strongly against Moria Casán

Nowadays, Georgina Barbarossa He is one of the most mentioned figures of the Argentine show business, since his magazine on Telefe has managed to be one of the most watched programs on Argentine television.

Despite his good time for the achievement he has reached Georgina Barbarossa In the media with very good numbers in the rating, the fight that the host has with Moria Casán, does not give her respite, since they have not been able to close said dispute between the two for several years. Something very similar to what Carmen Barbieri and Nazarena Vélez live.

Georgina is one of the most respected and beloved conductors of Telefe.

This time, the one that monopolized the cameras of the “A la Tarde” program was Georgina Barbarossa, since he stressed that he would never go to the play “Brujas” while Casán is part of the cast. In addition, he asked the notero to stop talking to him “about that lady.”

No. I wouldn’t go because I don’t talk to that lady. I saw her at the time of her and it’s a super play with a wonderful cast and that’s enough, I’m not going to talk about that lady. Don’t talk to me because I’m not going to talk“, expressed the renowned figure of Telefe.

The truth is that this war has been going on for a long time, and this comment from the lace seems to be a response to a gesture as a sign of vomit that Moria Casán made at the doors of América TV when he came as a replacement for Flor Peña in ” LPA”.

What does not forgive Georgina

Although both talked and played with relatives who were very dear to the other, the truth is that it seems that Nancy Pazos’ colleague still cannot get over the fact that her ex-friend has insinuated that her husband used illegal drugs. It should be noted that at this time the media was very hurt by the alcohol addiction suffered by the father of her children, who later died tragically.

“I will never forgive her because she spoke very badly about my husband. She spoke badly about him when he was alive and then when he died. It is believed that she has a sharp tongue and karateka, as she says, and she messed with my husband’s disease , which was alcoholism,” Georgina once said.

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