• The discipline of the labor market taken to ordinary events marks important precedents, such as the case of a woman who has launched herself in search of a boyfriend.

  • Recruitment has become the antecedent of all kinds of phenomena from labor to personal.

  • Speaking English has become an important requirement to manage talent.

A women launched into the creation of a HOLIDAYS of boyfriendestablishing requirements such as speaking English that drew attention to how important talent management and recruitment become, not necessarily in the labor market.

The case of this woman who launched a boyfriend vacancy reminds us of how important elements such as recruitment become, so in a study titled “2022 Job Seeker Nation Study” realized what factors led employees to accept a job.

The majority, 53 percent, did it for the pay and only 22 percent said they accepted a job because of the quality of life it offers, while 23 percent said they did it because of the values ​​and culture of this place.

The strange “boyfriend” vacancy

July Jinku (@JulyJinku, Twitter) went from decreeing how a boyfriend wants to establish 54 requirements for anyone who wants to be his partner.

The requirements were distributed in three sections. One called it “Main Requirements”, another called it “Second Priority”, and the other called it “Extras”.

Among the “Main Requirements” that it asks is that the candidate to be a boyfriend does not want to have children, that he consents, maintains it, that he supports the feminist and LGBT+ movements; fully trust her and have good self-esteem, among the main requirements that appear on the list.

Within the “second priority” they highlight that the candidate must not smoke or drink, is only allowed to consume marijuana, must spend in restaurants, knows English, does not follow “sexy girls” on networks and is between 25 and 35 years old.

As “extras” of their vacancy, the person interested in applying must have a car, live alone, be handsome, have tattoos or piercings, do not eat meat and have a functional family or, if not, this family must have money .

After the vacancy was made known, the comments were immediate and user like Alan 050 considered that this person has very altered reality by publishing said vacancy, while Antonio mocked that what the woman really wants is to meet her father.

This strange vacancy published on social networks as a mockery post is actually a document that shows us how difficult it is to recruit talent, since not all professionals in the workplace, for example, meet the requirements of the companies.

It is important then to see that the “vacancy” to be the boyfriend of a “tweeter” is a case similar to the one we saw when Gaby Brizuela shared on his account LinkedIn he CV of a dog seeking to be adoptedfor which their “strengths”, behavior courses that they have taken and “training” were revealed.

The announcement generated all kinds of comments, such as those of Fernando Montoya who lamented that there are too many social networks to end up using LinkedIn as a promoter of dog adoption, for which he was annoyed criticizing that “humanity loves to misuse tools” .

These cases help us understand how subjects such as recruiting and talent management adapt to everyday life.

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