Woman sexually assaulted by Cuban fake Uber driver, police say

A 38-year-old Cuban identified as Alberto Angulo Lopez appeared in court accused of kidnapping and assault after picking up a young woman as an alleged Uber driver and then groping her and not taking her home.

The incident dates back to February 28 of last year, when two women left a nightclub in Miami Beach at 4:30 in the morning and discovered that their car had been towed.

In an interview with Telemundo 51the victim reported that she She had an argument with her friend and decided to get into the car, confident that she thought he was an Uber driver.

The statement from the aforementioned media outlet did not specify whether the young woman made the call from the car through the application or if she trusted the driver to identify himself as such.

The young woman says that The driver gave the address for his house but then started driving in another direction and was actually driving away.

During the trip, the man allegedly began to touch her private parts and ask her “if she had never tried the Cuban member before.”

“I told myself: I have two options, either figure out how to get out of here or wait for him to rape me and then take pity on me and leave me at home,” says the young woman of Hispanic origin.

The victim managed to share her location in real time with a known person and warned Alberto Angulo that that person would call the police if she did not arrive at her destination.

Finally, Angulo López left her in Homestead, a different place than agreed upon, demanding money before leaving.

“I don’t know if he thought I was going to want to meet him again and gave me his number for the Zelle transfer, because I sent him everything through Zelle… He gave me his number, but before that he also made me follow him on social media.”the woman added.

Authorities have compiled evidence leading to Alberto Angulo Lopez’s arrest and court appearance. The most serious charge against him is kidnapping, a first-degree crime that carries a life sentence.

Alberto Angulo López remains in custody without bail while the judicial process develops.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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