Writer Piedad Bonett wins the Reina Sofa Prize for Poetry

MADRID.- The writer Colombian Pilar Bonett has been awarded today -June 3- with the XXXIII Prize Reina Sofa de Poesa Iberoamericana, awarded by the University of Salamanca and National Heritage jointly, as announced by the organizers of the award.

The ruling was announced at an event in the Butler Hall of the Royal Palace of Madrid. Bonnett (Antioquia, Colombia, 1951), who takes over from Gioconda Belli, has a degree in Philosophy and Letters from the Universidad de los Andes and has a master’s degree in Theory of Art and Architecture from the National University of Colombia.

The jury for the XXIII Reina Sofa Award edition was made up of the president of National Heritage, Ana de la Cueva; the rector of the University of Salamanca, Juan Manuel Corchado; the director of the RAE, Santiago Muoz Machado; the director of the Cervantes Institute, Luis Garca Montero; the director of the National Library of Spain, Oscar Arroyo; the winner in the previous edition, Gioconda Belli and the Mexican writer Jorge Luis Volpi.

The poet Raquel Lanseros also participated; two representatives of the Department of Spanish and Ibero-American Literature of the University of Salamanca, Mara Isabel Toro Pascua and Mara Jos Brua; the professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid, Selena Millares; the director of the ngel González chair at the University of Oviedo, Araceli Iravedra; and Mara Sonsoles Sánchez-Reyes, secretary of the jury.

Awarded since 1992 and endowed with 42,000 euros (almost 46,000 dollars), the objective of the Reina Sofia Prize for Ibero-American Poetry is to recognize the body of work of a living author who, due to its literary value, constitutes a relevant contribution to the common cultural heritage of Spain and Latin America.

In 2023, the Nicaraguan Gioconda Belli won the award, which in the past has gone to poets such as the Uruguayan Mario Benedetti, the Colombian Álvaro Mutis, the Chilean Nicanor Parra, the Nicaraguan Ernesto Cardenal and the Venezuelan Rafael Cadenas.

Awards that the writer has achieved

Pilar Bonett has published eight books of poems and several anthologies. She is also a playwright and author of several novels and a testimonial book about the death of her son, What has no name. Con The thread of days won the National Poetry Prize awarded by the Colombian Institute of Culture, in 1994; in 2011, with Unsolicited explanationswon the Casa de América prize for American poetry in Madrid.

Likewise, in 2012, in Aguascalientes, Mexico, he won the Victor Sandoval Prize, within the Meeting of Poets of the Latin World, for the contribution of his poetry to the Spanish language; In 2014 she obtained the José Lezama Lima from Casa de las Américas and in 2016 the Generation of 27 Award in Malaga for her book The inhabited ones.

FUENTE: Europa Press and AFP

Tarun Kumar

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