Both in front of and behind the camera, Xavier Dolan will be missed in French cinema. The 34-year-old Canadian filmmaker recently silenced rumors that he was suffering from depression, instead explaining to his peers that he no longer wanted to invest in cinema after the disappointing figures for his last two films, My Life with John F. Donovan And Matthias and Maxime. The director awarded the Jury Prize at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival for Mommy thus prefers to turn his back on what he has long believed to be a “unwavering vocation“, a devouring passion that he considers today as “a waste of time“. But if Xavier Dolan shuns the 7th art today, he does not close the door to future projects for the small screen, as he had also practiced so well in 2022 with the release of The Night Laurier Gaudreault Woke Upan incandescent and ambitious mini-series that caught the eye of the red N platform.

Netflix offers Xavier Dolan’s first mini-series

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This is not the first time that Netflix has pulled out the checkbook to introduce the work of Xavier Dolan to its subscribers. After proposing three of his films, Laurence Anyways, Mommy And Just the end of the worldthe firm announces that The Night Laurier Gaudreault Woke Up will debut in October 2023 in its American catalog as part of a new licensing agreement concluded between the platform and Canal+. In France, viewers discovered the series in 2022. It is a dark psychological drama in which Xavier Dolan opposite his favorite and talented partner Anne Dorval, but also Magalie Lépine Blondeau, Éric Bruneau, Karl Walcott and Julie LeBreton, other Quebec actors. What we can tell you is that this adaptation of the eponymous play by Michel Marc Bouchard is overwhelming, rich in strong emotions, always with this very singular way specific to Xavier Dolan of sublimating the characters in the screen.

The main character of Xavier Dolan’s series changes his name for its broadcast in the US

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Unlike the original work, the series broadcast on Netflix will no longer be called The Night Laurier Gaudreault Woke Up, but “The Night Logan Woke Up” (The Night Logan Woke Up in VO). The synopsis explains: “In the early 1990s, Mireille, her brother Julien and their best friend Laurier formed an inseparable trio. The boys have just won the provincial baseball championship and Mireille dreams of burning down the boards. However, one October night, in 1991, their destinies were forever changed by a terrible incident and their paths diverged. Emotions flow, frustrations, sorrows and resentments emanate from everyone, for a strong and powerful result, masterfully set to music by Hans Zimmer (Gladiator). If you want to discover it, the series is still available on myCanal.

Article written in collaboration with 6Médias

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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