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Xuxa sends a message to Pelé’s widow after the death of the ‘King of football’

The host Brazilian xuxaex-partner of Peleturned to his Instagram profile to dedicate an emotional message to Marcia Cibele Aoki, widow of the ‘King of soccer’.

In her public message, the renowned cheerleader also addressed the children and grandchildren of the late footballer.

he expressed.

Xuxa’s dedication was accompanied by a photograph, where Pelé’s hands and that of his family are seen in the hospital. The same snapshot was shared by Kelly Nascimento, daughter of the soccer star.

Xuxa sends a message to Pele’s widow. (Photo: @xuxameneghel).

Pelé passed away at the age of 82 after battling colon cancer that plagued him for several years.

As reported by the portal, the soccer star underwent surgery in September 2021 where the tumor was removed. The aforementioned medium adds that since then his health has weakened and he has also been hospitalized for a lung infection.

For its part, CNN in Spanish states that Pelé died of multi-organ failure caused by the progression of colon cancer.

He was a pioneer, ahead of his time. This video shows that CR7 and Messi’s dribbling had already been invented.

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