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Yolanda Daz and Andrs Meizoso divorce after 20 years of marriage

It seems that the love story starring Yolanda Díaz and Andrés Meizoso has come to an end after 20 years of marriage, just as he collects The other chronicle of The World. The sentimental relationship between the second vice president of the Government and her life partner, as she was known to her family and friends, was completely worn out due to the distance caused by their respective professional occupations.. Despite everything, they remain good friends.

For the press and the flashes, Andrs Meizoso is an unknown namegiven that his wife has never taken him to public events, although it has been protagonist in his domestic life thanks to the care of your daughter, Carmelia (11), when her mother could not be with her due to political commitments. Now, Yolanda will take care of her little girl. She is in Madrid and Andrés in Galicia. They have distanced themselves, but they are still good friends, although they have not lived together for a long time due to work and a relationship. While he lives near the shipping company in which he is employed, Díaz resides in the ministry with their daughter, Carmelia, 11 years old. Her current home is literally in the Nuevos Ministerios building where she has her office.collects the aforementioned media

She works very long hours, so they have grown apart. But they get along great, they are friends and they continue to behave like a family. There is no bad vibes, no third parties. In the end, it’s been 20 years and it was a couple that loved each other very much, with very good vibes, that everyone has always liked very much, he adds.

In fact, The politician starred in a statement that went unnoticed in the tabloid press. She assured Latexoua TVE program presented by Marc Gir, who is supermonomarental because he lives alone with his daughter. I am a free woman, I do everything myself. I cook, I iron the clothes… This distancing makes it more difficult for the father to be with his daughter. He is a charming guy, he is very attached to the girl, but working now in Galicia he will have a harder time taking care of her..

Who is Andrés Meizoso?

Yolanda Díaz’s ex grew up personally and professionally in Galicia. As stated in his Linkedin profile, I worked as a technical draftsman in a construction companywhich closed due to the 2008 crisis. Years later, Meizoso was able to take care of his business in Madrid as soon as he moved with his wife and daughter. Now he is an assistant in the manufacture of ships for the Ferrol shipping company Navantia, heir to Astano.

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