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"You want to jump out the window" : Lorie Pester talks about the consequences of her IVF

This is a new role for Lorie Pester. After filling the concert halls, play comedy and more recently created arches from the series Tomorrow belongs to us, the jack-of-all-trades artist interviews women who testify in the documentary collection, Let’s break the taboo! this Tuesday, September 12 at 9:10 p.m. on RMC Story. The second issue, which follows the postpartum theme, will address periods. Among the issues addressed, there will be that of endometriosis, a disease that the actress knows well. To end her suffering, she chose to undergo a hysterectomy, and therefore to give up having a second child after the birth of her daughter Nina in August 2020. With my companion, we were sure of ourselves. We do jobs where we are absent regularly. So you have to be able to organize yourself, and I couldn’t see myself going through the IVF process again.”she reveals during an interview given to Tele-Leisure.

Lorie Pester opens up about the IVF process: “You’re on a roller coaster”

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To get pregnant, Lorie Pester had to go through in vitro fertilization. A complicated period to which she returned during our interview. What’s heavy are the hormones going up and down. You experience a roller coaster, that is to say, at the level of the body: you are hot, you are cold, suddenly, you are well, suddenly, you are not well, suddenly, you laugh, suddenly, you cry , a blow, you want to jump out of the window you’re so depressed. I experienced it and it was really like that.Her pregnancy was not easy either. She confides having had “nausea all the time” the first three months. “The only time I didn’t have it was when I was eating. “So, I was eating all the time.” she says.

Lorie Pester looks back on her motivations for playing Let’s break the taboo! : “I found it important to be in that car”

A difficult process that one of the witnesses in the documentary had to go through Let’s break the taboo! broadcast this evening and which even more convinced Lorie Pester to embody this collection. She confides: “I accepted because it will help lots of women and lots of men to recognize themselves, to find solutions, to understand things in their body and in the body of their partner. I found it important for me to ‘be in that car.’ For the moment, only two numbers have been filmed but the one which shared the poster with Jean-Luc Reichmann in Leo Matteï would be up for refilling “if there are other themes” planned.

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