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"You"season 4: Joe harassed in turn in the trailer

Netflix has released a preview of the hit thriller’s fourth salvo, in which Joe Goldberg falls prey to a mysterious crow.

Such is spied on who thought he was taking. Joe, the obsessive serial killer from the Netflix series You, undergoes a reversal of situation in the trailer for season 4, unveiled on Monday. This time, he is the target of a crow who sends him disturbing messages by text message.

In this fourth salvo, the character played by Penn Badgley has fled the United States and is moving to London under a new identity. He finds his place in English high society and tries to find Marienne, while trying to suppress his attraction to a new victim. Because he knows, no woman who arouses his interest is safe…

Divided into two parts

But his moods are quickly parasitized by a series of murders that upset his new circle. Once a predator, Joe falls prey to an enemy lurking in the shadows who knows his true identity.

Launched in 2018, You follows young Joe Goldberg, a romantic bookseller who cannot contain his murderous impulses when he falls in love. As Netflix sometimes does with its most popular programs, this fourth salvo will be unveiled in two parts. Five episodes are due out on February 9, and the next five will air on March 9.

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