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“You’ve had more practice…” – Riot after Gulp spell by Cordalis

You can’t really take that the wrong way.

On Thursday evening, the nerves in the jungle camp were completely blank. Presenter Sonja Zietlow even claimed that there had almost been a beating.

Not just the departure of Cecilia Asoro (26) caused a bad mood. The jungle test in particular became a scandal. reality macho Gigi Birofio (23), model Papis Loveday (46) and Jungle King’s son Lucas Cordalis (55) had to work.

Papis Loveday was even looking forward to the exam

Photo: RTL / Stefan Thoyah

Papis was still halfway in good spirits when he heard that the “Unhappy Hour” was of course about disgusting food and horrible drinks this time: “I’m happy. I want to master this. I want to try everything.”

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dr Bob took care of the correct course of the exam and made sure that everything was really swallowed: “Of course you always show your open mouth to Sonja and Jan.”

But already in the first round with “Crocodile cloaca in fish-slime block” Cordalis had to pass, he just couldn’t swallow the “food” and complained: “It doesn’t go down!”

When it came to goat testicles, dads excelled again with fast chewing and swallowing – but Lucas complained again: “It can’t go down!”

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In the meantime, Dad was annoyed, but he kept cheering Lucas on with “Eggspresso” (thousand-year-old egg with tripe mucus and fermented fish foam): “Drink, honey!” But Cordalis didn’t get the drink down well either, claiming: “Can drink I. I just can’t swallow.”

Lucas then followed this sentence: “You guys have more practice swallowing than I do. Sorry. That has to be said.”

Papis mastered the disgust test great

Photo: RTL / Stefan Thoyah

While Dad and Gigi studiously ignored the remark, the TV viewers understood exactly what Lucas Cordalis had said and reacted stunned on Twitter, among other things.

A viewer asked more specifically: “Did Lucas really just make a homophobic comment about papis? Or have I misheard?”

Cordalis after the exam, where he messed with his colleagues

Photo: RTL / Stefan Thoyah

He had not misheard, because Lucas Cordalis’ statement was again an issue in the jungle camp show “The Hour After”. Live guest and ex-jungle candidate Eric Stehfest (33) addressed the situation again: “I don’t know if everyone heard that. Lucas said, softly but understandably, ‘I’m not that good at swallowing.'”

Presenter Olivia Jones (53) cut in: “Do you think that was homophobic?” Standing sure: “It’s totally homophobic. Something to say in a place like that.”

Escalation after the jungle exam

In the camp, the mood continued to plummet after the jungle test. Lucas Cordalis complained that he had to run back to the camp alone after the jungle test because Gigi wanted to smoke a cigarette: “Team spirit really underground.”

Gigi etched back: “Don’t make a sacrifice, Lucas!” He urged his opponent to admit his failures from the exam.

Now Lucas accused his two team partners: “Since this test, I’ve been running around like a leper, and the two just point the finger at me!”

Fists almost flew, Gigi got angry about Lucas

Photo: RTL / Stefan Thoyah

He said threateningly: “I could also say a thousand things.” A wild battle of words ensued – papis was on Gigi’s side, accusing Lucas: “You’re a wrong man. That’s enough.”

Back at the campfire, the other jungle stars could hardly believe what was going on between the candidates. Gigi continued to yell at Lucas: “Have the balls in your pants to say what YOU said!” He countered: “Think about your upbringing”, and made Gigi even more angry.

Daddies and Gigi (from left) will NOT be friends with Lucas anymore. Claudia Effenberg, on the other hand, had to leave the camp

Photo: RTL / Stefan Thoyah

The aggression was so blatant that even moderator Sonja Zietlow lost her composure: “We were so close to fists flying for the first time in 19 years.”

Lucas still received enough calls after the lousy exam and his verbal gaffe: Claudia Effenberg (57) had to leave the jungle camp.

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