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Yvan Attal reveals why he did not accompany Charlotte Gainsbourg to Charles III’s dinner at Versailles

yvan attal revele pourquoi il a refuse d accompagner charlotte gainsbourg au diner en l honneur de c.jpeg

Guest of Telematinthis Thursday, October 5, 2023, Yvan Attal revealed why he was not present alongside his partner Charlotte Gainsbourg during the dinner in honor of King Charles III, in Versailles.

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Yvan Attal had to decline the invitation… This Thursday, October 5, 2023, the actor was received in Telematinon France 2. He promoted the play Video club, which he is currently performing on the stages of the Théâtre Antoine in Paris, alongside Noémie Lvovsky. A very time-consuming commitment for someone who is also a director, who obviously works most evenings of the week. This also forces him to have to refuse to participate in some evenings, even though they are very coveted!

The reasons for Yvan Attal’s absence at dinner with Charles III at Versailles

Thomas Sotto and Marie Portolano questioned their guest to find out why he was not on the arm of his companion Charlotte Gainsbourg, on Wednesday September 20, during the dinner in honor of King Charles III and in the company of Emmanuel Macron, at Castle of Versailles. “I was at the theater, but I would have loved to go…“, he admitted frankly. The two presenters of the morning show asked him if he would have had the right to accompany the actress, if his invitation was valid for both of them. To which Yvan Attal replied with a certain pride: “It’s not even that she had a ‘+1′is that I received my invitation. I was very, very proud of that, but I was in the theater“, he repeated.

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Charlotte Gainsbourg touched by the attention of Charles III

If Yvan Attal did not experience the event from the inside, he was still able to get feedback from the mother of his children. Questioned by Bernard Montiel a few days ago, he revealed that Charlotte Gainsbourg had been particularly moved by the tribute addressed by the King of England to her mother Jane Birkin, who died last July. In a card distributed to guests at the start of the dinner, Charles II wrote: “Mr. President, the long history of our nation has been written by countless extraordinary men and women, from William the Conqueror to Big Mustache de La Grande Vadrouille, and from Éleonore d’Aquitaine to the late, incredible Jane Birkin, the most French of the British, who helped define our shared destiny, on screen and in real life.” Enough to touch the 52-year-old actress.

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