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Yvonne is considering unpacking, Iris Klein with Daniela Katzenberger at Jenny’s, Peter is silent

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From: Luke Einkammerer


There is still no end in sight to the affair drama about Yvonne Woelke and Peter Klein. Because Iris Klein and Yvonne just don’t seem to want to bury the hatchet.

Hamburg/Worms/Mallorca – The affair saga about Yvonne Woelke (41) and Iris and Peter Klein (55) has by no means lost momentum and even weeks after the end of the jungle camp, the three actors cause a great sensation. How exactly the whole thing will end is in the stars – but Yvonne and Iris in particular seem to have no interest in getting the scandal quietly over with.

“Just wait and see”: Yvonne Woelke hints at settlement in affair drama

Since she returned to Germany as a jungle camp companion for Djamila Rowe (55) and answered questions in the RTL interview, Yvonne Woelke has primarily relied on one tactic: to provoke Iris with verbal digs and ambiguous photos. But now the “Unter Uns” actress seems to be considering unpacking the uncomfortable situation again.

Yvonne Woelke and the Kleins have very different tactics right now. The “Unter Uns” actress plans a reckoning, Iris soaks up the sun and positive energy with her family and Peter is silent as usual. © Screenshot/Instagram/yvonnewoelke, iris_klein_mama, peterklein_official (photo montage)

“I have so many thoughts in my head, both positive and negative, and I wish I could share my thoughts with the whole world,” Yvonne explains in her Instagram story, “But I don’t.” No one can say when the time will be – but Yvonne Woelke seems to be preparing her own big storm. “Maybe someday, maybe. Because everything always eats into itself is not so good,” she makes clear and secretively announces: “So from there, just wait and see.”

Fatal infidelities: These Hollywood stars cheated on their partners

In the glittering celebrity world of Hollywood, cheating scandals are not uncommon. One of the most explosive affair scandals to date is Brad Pitt’s (59) infidelity to Jennifer Aniston (53) – after he was filming “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” met his current ex-wife Angelina Jolie (47). Oscar winner Kenneth Branagh (62) cheated on his then-wife Emma Thompson (63) in 1994, and the love of the “Twilight” couple Robert Pattinson (36) and Kristen Stewart (32) broke up in 2012 because of an alleged affair between Stewart and him Director Rupert Sanders (51). When she released the album “Lemonade” in 2016, US superstar Beyoncé (41) triggered a wave of horror – because in some songs she clearly alluded to an affair with her husband Jay-Z (53).


“Look ahead”: Iris Klein after affair drama with Daniela Katzenberger at Jenny Frankhauser

While her opponent is apparently making plans to unpack the affair drama herself, Iris Klein is trying her best to distract herself from her shattered love life. Together with Daniela Katzenberger (36), she is currently visiting her younger daughter Jenny Frankhauser (30) and can finally take on the role of the caring grandmother instead of the angry and injured wife.

“Only positive thoughts and looking ahead,” she writes in her Instagram story under a selfie with sunglasses. Will it stay that way? After all, Iris in particular had vented her anger vehemently in the past few weeks and hadn’t skimped on insults and accusations.

Peter practices silence: Iris Klein’s husband stays out of affair drama

His estranged wife and his supposed love affair still make no attempt to reconcile and to look for the way forward, but Peter is meanwhile sticking to the motto: Saying nothing at all is better than too much. Although he admitted that he fell in love with Yvonne Woelke, his Instagram profile is now abandoned again. The trained painter has not shared a picture with his fans since mid-January and there is usually a gaping emptiness in his story too. It’s quite possible that he just has better things to do, after all, as soon as Iris is gone, a new woman will soon move in with Peter Klein.

No matter when – and if – the affair drama about Yvonne Woelke and the Kleins comes to an end, jungle camp fans will remember the explosive back and forth and the countless verbal exchanges for a long time. And even if she is currently prioritizing her family, a truce in the small war seems far from being an option for Iris. Because Iris Klein recently announced the settlement with Yvonne Woelke. Sources used: Instagram/iris_klein_mama, Instagram/yvonnewoelke,

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