The New Year’s Eve discussion at Markus Lanz went into a new round – and thanks to exciting guests, it still provided new insights.

Shortly before the end of the show, Hasnain Kazim summed it up again: “If there is no connection between the crime and the origin,” explained the journalist and expert on migration policy “it does not matter. Just as it doesn’t matter whether the perpetrator’s name is Mohammed or Ali.”

As on Tuesday, yesterday’s episode of the ZDF program Markus Lanz was about the violent attacks young men on the emergency services on New Year’s Eve. The police temporarily arrested 38 suspects, two-thirds of whom are German.

Nevertheless, the police had initially only informed about the 18 different nationalities of the 145 arrested. The dispute that broke out afterwards – migration background yes or no – became one of the most discussed questions after the riots.

“Markus Lanz” – These were the guests:

  • Kevin KuehnertPolitician
  • Kerstin Munstermannjournalist
  • Hasnain KazimAuthor
  • Claudia Majormilitary expert

Dominant tone completely different than in the first broadcast

Although with Markus Lanz for the second time about the excitement topic was spoken, the prevailing tone could not have been more different.

Two days earlier, CDU leader Merz had children of Arabic origin as “little pashas” referred to, who would show no respect for their teachers even in elementary school. In his opinion, Germany also has a “veritable problem of a lack of integration” of young people.

Also read: “Markus Lanz”: Merz calls Arab children “little pashas”

Statements for which Merz already made on Tuesday fierce criticism had to plug in and which also went against the grain of SPD general secretary Kevin Kühnert, another guest of yesterday’s broadcast.

For him, such a statement would have nothing to do with holding adults who have committed a crime accountable. “It doesn’t matter what passport you have”. Rather, he recognizes in it the “attempt to culturalize social discussions” and the tendency to generalize to judge social groups. Something where, as Kühnert emphasized, he would always intervene.

Merz’s statement partially destroys the constructive solution

As Merz said, make “an objective, reasonable and constructive solution (partially) broken,” said Hasnain Kazim. The Berlin CDU also made this clear to him when they demanded that the first names of the suspects be released.

It be one “spit in face” for all people who live in Germany and are a “reasonable” part of society, but have foreign-sounding names. The message: No matter how hard you try to become part of German society, as soon as you do something wrong, you still no longer belong.

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Kazim: “Third generation would be constantly hit in the face by society”

A fact that is particularly important for children and young people from the “third generation” as Kazim called her, causes anger. You were born in Germany, grew up here, you are self-confident. Nevertheless, they are “permanently slapped in the face” by society for not being right. Unfortunately, this would sometimes turn the mood into “a certain contempt”.

Kazim was also able to report from his own experience. For example, he is checked every time on the train, he told Markus Lanz. A clear indication of Racial Profiling. Nevertheless, he would “not think of saying that the entire police force is right-wing extremist”. There are black sheep there too, just as is the case with people with a migration background.

In the end, Kazim determines the round with Markus Lanz with his clear words and good comparisons – and is therefore a great asset.

Markus Lanz: That’s how the last programs went

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