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Zorra, second most viral song in the world on Spotify

Zorra, second most viral song in the world on Spotify

Nebulossa didn’t know how to get from Benidorm to Sweden and, of all the ways, has decided to follow the path of success. If the group was a complete unknown a few months agonow there is no human person on the face of the Iberian peninsula who has not heard the name of this dog.

Such is his rise in the media that, apart from occupying separate debates on television formats, he has managed to climb to a point in the musical mountain range where very few artistic mountaineers reach: the second position on the list of most viral songs globally on Spotify.

This ranking, which is updated every few days, collects those topics that are causing the greatest sensation to create an organized catalog. Some of the variables on which the platform focuses to carry out this work are the frequency with which it is shared, the number of new listeners or the sudden increase in reproductions.

This is not a trivial fact. There are very few songs that manage to find a place on this prestigious list, made up of songs that come from each and every part of the globe. It is highly complicated for a song of Spanish origin to enter. And even more so that he does so by reaching second place. Just Praise Jah In The Moonlightby YG Marley, overtakes Nebulossa.

The English translation

This update has coincided in time with the news of the English translation that RTVE presents The debt. The linguistic dilemma was also intense due to the complexity involved in selecting which etymological aspect the word should be chosen towards, since this duality is non-existent in English. Finally it has been decided to opt for Vixen as a term that replaces Zorra.

The lyrics are synonymous with struggle. I have often felt marginalized and mistreated and that word has been with me for a long time, until I decided to empower myself and bring out everything I had inside.Mara Bas, Nebulossa vocalist, confessed to EFE. That same message was reflected in the first verse of the song, I know I’m just a bitchand that in English will look like: I know Im just a vixen to you. One way or another, success only understands one language. And Nebulossa seems to not need a translator to travel to Malm.

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