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Zverev to be tried for gender violence after his match with Nadal at Roland Garros: I know what I did

Zverev to be tried for gender violence after his match with Nadal at Roland Garros: I know what I did

The name of Alexander Zverev has resounded strongly in the run-up to the Roland Garros premiere. The tennis player, number four in the ATP ranking and brand new winner of the Master 1000 in Rome, will face Rafael Nadal this Monday in the first round of the tournament, although you will also have to pay attention to the trial that begins next May 31 for an alleged crime of gender violence against Brenda Pateahis ex-partner and mother of his daughter, Mayla, born in 2021.

The events occurred in 2020 when the alleged victim reported a series of attacks to the police in an apartment in Berlin. Court documents state that The German tennis player pushed his ex-partner against the wall and tried to strangle her. This event was corroborated by two of his friends. Have difficulty swallowingthey declared before the authorities.

The Berlin Criminal Court fined him 450,000 euros in November 2023., but the defendant’s defense filed an appeal to reject the charges. The ATP also began an internal investigation to find out more details about what happened, although it was finally ruled out to take any type of sanction against the German. Amlie Mauresmodirector of Roland Garros, confirmed that the player will remain in the draw because he is considered innocent until justice says otherwise. Some words that have unleashed a wave of criticism.

I believe in the German system and I believe in the truth

Zverev spoke at a press conference about this issue to convey his confidence in the German justice system to prove his innocence. I believe in the German system and I believe in the truth. I know what I did and I know what I didn’t do. That’s what’s going to come out and I have to trust that. Everything else is out of my control and not in my hands, but I don’t think I’m going to lose this trial.

The tennis player affirmed that this judicial process will not affect his performance in this event. There is absolutely no chance of me losing it. That’s why I can play calmly and my results are showing it, like winning Rome, which is a great title. And if all that was in my mind, I wouldn’t be playing like I do.

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