Angela Aguilar defends her romance with Nodal and denies wedding rumors

MIAMI.- Amid rumors and criticism, Angela Aguilar stands up for his relationship with Christian Nodal, romance which has been celebrated by some but also condemned by those who point out that it has been the bone of contention in the family that the Mexican was beginning to form with Shit and his daughter Inti.

However, the 20-year-old performer does not seem to pay attention to the opinions of the audience and assures that her family taught her to live honestly.

I am the daughter of Pepe Aguilar and the granddaughter of Flor Silvestre and if they have taught me anything it is that your truth must be lived, your love must be sung. And I have been very private (with my love life) because I have received a lot of criticism in the past and also because that is how my parents have lived their lives. “They have been married for 27 years and the only thing they know about them is when they go out on the red carpets,” he told the Mexican magazine Quin in an interview that you grant them.

The artist also assured that she is in a stage of her life that she wants to enjoy and not allow anything or anyone to take away the opportunity to do so.

“In this case, I didn’t want people to steal that opportunity to live the stage I’m living, it’s a beautiful stage. I’ve never had the opportunity to feel this way, to live this dream, to grow.”

Neither wedding nor pregnancy

In this sense, like Nodal, Ángela stated that neither of them has done anything wrong, they are just two young people in their 20s who learn about love and live life passionately. For this reason, he requested that they stop crucifying them, since it is a natural experience in all human beings.

“Remember when you were 20 years old, remember when you fell in love for the first time, remember that love is beautiful and doesn’t have to be dirty. We live in a time where for something to sell it has to be wrong. There is nothing wrong.” In this, we didn’t do anything, we didn’t kill anyone, we didn’t break anything, it’s love and we are singers. We are 20 and 25 years old and we are learning to live, to love, to be adults, give us a chance, then we will explain ourselves well. crucify before we know what we have done.”

During the conversation, the youngest of the Aguilar dynasty took the opportunity to confirm and deny some of the controversies circulating in the media and social networks.

In fact, Angela does have a new tattoo on her skin: the initials CN, which she had done in Rome by the Italian tattoo artist Alessandro Capozzi and which she wears proudly on her left hand. She also coincidentally has the number 11 tattooed; and, although he did not claim that it was because of him, it is known that it is the date of birth of her boyfriend (January 11, 1999).

Regarding the wedding and pregnancy rumors, the singer assured that none of that has happened.

“Do not marry me or get me pregnant yet, please. I do not seek to have qualities in my relationships, I seek to have qualities as an artist and as a person. Relationships are a consequence of it,” he pointed out.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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