Miami-Dade urges those affected by recent floods to participate in damage survey

MIAMI.- The Miami-Dade Department of Emergency Management (DEM) activated a voluntary online survey to assess damage to property and businesses in the county during the recent flooding caused by torrential rains that affected southern Miami. Florida.

According to the press release dated June 19, this tool will help businesses and residents document the extent and type of damage suffered during last week’s flooding.

The information gathered in this survey could help local governments deliver additional services or resources to those affected by rising waters.

The document advises that data collected through this survey process will only be used for resource allocation and mitigation purposes. “Notification of damage to your property or business through this survey cannot be used to file insurance claims. For those types of claims, contact your home insurance provider.”

Furthermore, it clarifies that responding to the survey does not constitute a claim or a request for help.

“Thanks to the responses to this questionnaire, the state will be able to expedite recovery efforts by collecting data and assessing the needs of affected businesses and residents in our county.”

Miami-Dade Floods North Miami_8493.jpg

Miami-Dade area affected by rains.


Although participation in the survey is voluntary, the county encourages everyone affected to participate, as this information is vital for local, state and federal partners to evaluate the overall impact the heavy rains had on the area, “as well as to define new strategies and coordinate the allocation of resources in relation to this and future phenomena.”

The page is very simple and easy to use. The interested person must visit the website: or download the Ready Miami-Dade app on iPhone or Android and click the “Report Damage” button.

Once on the page, you will need to write the date of the event, the type of help you would need: to remove debris, damage to your residence, business or utilities, and write the address. To facilitate the report, the page shows four images that will allow the level of damage to be assessed among four categories: affected, minor damage, major damage and destroyed. Those who cannot access the website can call 3-1-1 for help.

The document insists that the information collected will help the county understand the extent of the damage and expedite recovery efforts.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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