Peruvian Justice extends preventive detention to Pedro Castillo

LIMA- The Justice Peru extended this Monday the preventive detention of the former president Pedro Castillo for 14 more months, accused of rebellion after dissolving Congress on December 7, 2022 and calling legislative elections.

According to the Judiciary, “the extended period of preventive detention responds to the fact that the process against the former president is in the intermediate stage.” The measure will be effective from June 7 to August 6, 2025.

The Public Ministry justified the request by citing the danger of Castillo fleeing, given that his family is in asylum in Mexico. The former president faces a possible sentence of 34 years in prison.

Preventive prison

The previous preventive detention measure expired last Thursday, although Castillo remains under another 36-month order for alleged crimes of criminal organization, influence peddling and aggravated collusion in the Puente Tarata III case.

Castillo was arrested after announcing the dissolution of Congress and calling for an emergency government, a decree that did not obtain support and led Parliament to approve a motion of censure against him, resulting in his arrest by the Police.

During his mandate, Castillo reflected the Peruvian political instability with five government teams and more than 70 ministers in just 16 months, losing the support of his own party, Peru Libre.

The dismissal of Castillo caused one of the worst recent crises in Peru, with almost fifty people dead due to the repression of the security forces in the protests against his arrest and against his successor, Vice President Dina Boluarte.

Source: With information from Europa Press

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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