Second Avenue subway extension works paralyzed

A senior MTA official confirmed this Tuesday the halt of work to extend the Second Avenue subway to East Harlem.

Jamie Torres Springer, the agency’s top construction official, revealed that the impact of the loss of funds, due to Governor Kathy Hochul’s decision to suspend implementation of the traffic congestion plan in Manhattan, “It’s very serious for the MTA.”

Torres Springer added that there are many projects that the MTA will not be able to complete and that the agency will focus on carrying out necessary repairs.

The transportation official’s statements contradict what was said this Tuesday by Governor Hochul, who, when asked about the pause in the congestion plan, responded:

“Despite the pause in the traffic congestion plan, that does not mean that funding will not be found for MTA projects, such as the Second Avenue subway extension.”

The governor went on to say that a “pause is a pause,” when it comes to the congestion pricing plan and that she is committed to making sure the MTA has what they need for day-to-day services.


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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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