Uribe expresses concern about insecurity and extortion in Colombia

BOGOTA.- The former president of Colombia, Alvaro Uribe Velezleader of Democratic Center Partyexpressed deep concern about the growing unsafety and the extortions that affect all levels of society in the country.

The former Colombian president attended a discussion “Leadership and crisis management” at the Eafit Universitywhich he published on his account red social Xformerly known as Twitter, where he stated that this concern extends throughout Colombia, highlighting specific situations such as the Department of Caquetáwhere a weakening of the army that strengthens the peasant guards and natives.

The former president maintains that the perception of insecurity shared by various sectors of Colombian society reflects a worrying escalation of violence and raises questions about the State’s capacity to address this problem.

Uribe made reference to the attacks perpetrated by FARC dissidents recently in different territories, such as in the department of Cauca., leaving fatalities both among the civilian population and among public forces, evidencing the complexity and seriousness of the problem. Incidents, led by the Estate Major Central (EMC) under the leadership of Ivan Mordiscowhich unleashed a wave of violence in the region.

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No guarantees

Regarding extortion, Uribe mentioned that merchants, shopkeepers, farmers and street vendors throughout the country are affected and turn to the army for support. However, he denounced that sometimes they are prevented from going to provide protection, raising questions about the government’s ability to guarantee the security of citizens in accordance with the constitutional duty of the Public force.

In addition, Uribe warned about other risks present in the panorama Colombian politicianreferring to threats by the President Gustavo Petro related to possible social outbreaks, if the reforms he proposes are not approved, which for the former president are detrimental to the country.

Likewise, the former president highlighted the importance of not allowing the Armed forces are weakened by challenges such as the growth of drug trafficking and the unsafety widespread.

“Castro Chavismo” model

Uribe pointed out that Petro and their group is deeply uncomfortable when the risk of “Castro-Chavismo“, warning that every day they become more similar to this model.

He expressed that it also causes them discomfort when they are criticized for similarities with regimes “Castro-Chavistas”, especially for threatening to imprison the opposition, as they have done Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela y Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua.

In this sense, he emphasized the importance of reporting these actions in time, maintaining a respectful but firm tone regarding the facts and making a clear and transparent interpretation of the constitutional text.

In this context, the former Colombian president called to guarantee the security of citizens and not give in to threats or political pressures that could compromise it. Likewise, he highlighted the need to maintain a firm stance in the face of situations that put the stability and the welfare from Colombia.

(email protected)

Source: Account of the social network X of former president Alvaro Uribe, Video with his intervention

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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