• 6-year-old Ville from Torsåker loves speed

Have driven minimoto for two years

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Ville has been driving for two years and will now compete in minimoto – the most fun is the speed and he is not afraid of bumps. Photo: Saga Dillner/SVT

• Huge find of invasive fish species in the sea near Furuvik – “Very alarming”

“An extreme find in our waters”

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The Gävleborg County Administrative Board caught almost 1,000 fish of the invasive species black-mouthed butterbult at Österviksudden. Photo: SVT, still image: Linda Calamnius & Carl Anders Gerstel

• The fish in the stream died – then Edvin restored the ecosystem

The 11-year-old got the electricity company to release more water

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Hear 11-year-old Edvin from Runemo tell how he restores ecosystems and has gotten the electricity company to release water. Photo: Tor Jonsson/ SVT

• Here is the chapel that is being rebuilt into a unique skateboard hall

From Bibles to boards in Gnarp

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See the unique skate hall built in the old chapel. Photo: Bizz Sjöblom / SVT

• Emotional meeting when Julia and Olia came to Gammelboning

They are fleeing war Ukraine – Came with their four children and their father

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After several days on the run, Julia and Olia have reached Eva Lööke in Gammelboning. Watch their emotional meeting in the clip. Photo: SVT


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