2024: Myths, realities and challenges

MEXICO CITY (Process).- The next federal elections of 2024, where the President of the Republic, senators and deputies will be elected, have become a pole of attraction for media discussion where the most varied interests come together, with the chiaroscuro that this exercise implies, which demands some reflections. Let’s see.

First. It has been said that in the internal forum of the voters the conviction persists that women are in a situation of emotional disadvantage than men to generate a competitive presidential candidacy. Although it is true that in the country there are islands where the constitutional mandate of equality is more of a formality than a verifiable reality to the detriment of women, it is also true, however, that these spaces have been reduced by large steps.

The survey considered most impartial on an international scale is the World Values ​​Survey (WVS), designed and applied by sociologists with academic affiliation without a commercial or political bias and which offers a five-year snapshot of a huge number of items in much of the world. (The most recent covers from 2017 to 2022, almost six years on this occasion due to the covid-19 pandemic, which delayed the usual opening and closing period of that survey exercise.

According to the reference survey to the affirmation according to which men are better leaders than women, in Mexico 46.4% of the interviewees disagreed and only 23% agreed with that assertion; Thus, the gender issue should not be seen as a variable to win or lose at the polls in 2024. In short, there is no issue in that regard.

Second. Politics, despite its great importance for the peaceful coexistence of humans and the better or worse institutional design of the State, in Mexico is not a matter that generates the interest of society. Indeed, according to the results of the most recent WVS survey, only 33.2% of the population is interested in politics, unlike the United States, where this activity is important to 56% of its citizens; or Canada, where the figure rises to 57 percent.

Political apathy in Mexico is consistent with other reagents applied in this work. Only 5% affirm that they are a member of a political party and 20.1% trust totally or to a great extent in the elections, unlike, to cite an example, in Germany where the answer to this question is 69.5%; Only 2% of Mexicans fully trust political parties and 9.3% do so to a large extent, but the sum of the two hardly exceeds one digit.

Therefore, it is possible to sustain the hypothesis that a good part of the electoral results in 2024 will rest on the ability of the voters to mobilize by the partisan structures of those who contest, rather than on the reasoned vote of the vast majority of the society resulting from the opportunity to compare political offer programs. And in this sense, we should not lose sight of the fact that the 4T has in practice more than two thirds of the country’s governments.

rallies. mobilization capacity / Photo: Octavio Gómez

Third. In this same situation, it has caught my attention, for some time, how the Mexican has a great capacity for resilience and usually appears in various demoscopic studies with one of the best percentage figures in terms of moments of happiness, understood as be satisfied with life and its environment.

If someone were to evaluate Mexico by what appears in the media, perhaps they would arrive at a biased perception of what is happening in the country, firstly because the media in the country do not enjoy credibility. Indeed, according to the most recent WVS survey, only 6% of society fully trusts the press and 20.1% do so to a large extent; in other words, the credibility of the written press reaches 26.1%. On the contrary, 36% do not believe anything that is published in the press and 36.4% have little confidence in it.

Television is practically the same as the written press in its news or informative aspect. Digital media are increasingly the source that most attracts audiences. Hence, therefore, the sharp difference between what is read, seen or heard in the media and what people perceive and experience. This appointment survey is also consistent with others carried out in the past, regarding the level of happiness of people at the moment; 59% of Mexicans say they are very happy. Come on, it is the third in the world list only behind Kyrgyzstan, with 68.8%, and Ecuador, with 60.7 percent.

Declining press / Photo: Montserrat López

In this way, it can be deduced that if things are very good (not good) in the perception of the majority of Mexicans, why go vote or be interested in politics, whose vigorous exchange of opinions is more a matter of one a small minority that has not permeated the bulk of the community.

Room. In this scenario, what is serious is the lack of trust in the justice system in Mexico, always based on the data from the widely cited macro-survey, since only 6.1% fully trust the justice system and 16.1% to a large extent to reach to 22.27%. On the contrary, in the United States 57.1% trust fully or to a great extent in the courts and in Germany this figure rises to 72 percent.

Perhaps the foregoing explains – that it is not justified, I clarify – that the judicial resolutions directed so that the Senate, the Chamber of Deputies, the Congress of the Union, the holder of the Executive Power do or stop doing something, have not been complied with or have been it has done selectively because there is a shared conviction that non-compliance with the law will not have negative consequences, at least in the immediate future.

SCJN. Necessary redesign / Photo: cuartoscuro.com

The institutional redesign with the support of the legal community of the justice system should be one of the issues to be addressed after the 2024 elections, so that the rule of law gradually becomes a verifiable premise for the good of the entire community. , so that within the convulsive scenario an opportunity opens up that should be transited with the greatest number of wills possible.


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