3 clear signs that tell us if the other person is in love-proiezionidiborsa.it

It is often difficult to decipher other people’s feelings. When you find yourself dating someone, in fact, the first reaction will be to question the nature of the feelings of this. There are 3 signs that could help us understand whether or not we are going in the right direction

Feelings and relationships are something extremely complex that often damns those who find themselves in these situations. Impossible to establish with certainty the other person’s interest in us, not even signals that seem clear could really be. It’s not just about horoscopes and zodiac signs.

Indeed, it is not uncommon to interpret mere acts of kindness on the part of the other person as signs of interest. The advent of social networks, then, has complicated everything, giving rise to false perceptions that can be easily exchanged for something else. Today we will try to list at least three signals that could show interest towards us by a boy or a girl.

Obviously, these are signals that will have to be lowered into the concrete case and interpreted according to the personality of each one. Often difficult to interpret, some attention will be required. Among these today we will examine three that are the basis of the affinity that is created, for no apparent reason, between two people.

3 clear signs that tell us if the other person is interested in us

The connection between two people is something that happens spontaneously but is not always perceived. In fact, it’s hard to feel connected to everyone you come in contact with. When there is attraction, awkwardness also develops between two people.

There are two types of relationship, those that develop linearly and without ever embarrassment and those where, on the other hand, this feeling is always present. When there is no embarrassment, there is no chemistry.

When there is attraction, embarrassment also develops between two people-proiezionidiborsa.it

When there is attraction, embarrassment also develops between two people-proiezionidiborsa.it


A community of interests, then, could represent a real chemistry between two people. Some say that opposites attract, this is only true up to a certain point.

Indeed, often the most lasting understandings are those between people who also share part of their interests. In fact, sharing allows you to have topics of conversation and share time with greater pleasure.

Share the same interests-proiezionidiborsa.it

Share the same interests-proiezionidiborsa.it

Contact and physical distance

Usually people keep a sort of safe distance from each other. This is because there is an imaginary limit, a bubble, which allows people to defend themselves from others. Here you are, when a friendship or sentimental relationship is established or simply there is an affinity between two people, things change. Indeed, in this case, there will be a tendency to reduce distances to create even physical contact with the other person. It will not be necessary to touch each other, the small space is already a clear sign of interest.

There will also be the classic signs of attraction such as, for example, the kiss or the hug. In these cases there may no longer be any doubts about the nature of the relationship. Here are 3 clear signs that tell us if the other person is interested in us.


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