Relatives of general detained for alleged conspiracy denounce serious state of health

CARACAS. – Al general Héctor Hernández Da Costa, detained since 2018 and accused of participating in an assassination attempt against Nicolás Maduro, had his sentence ratified. condemn 30 years in prison.

The information was released by Loredana Hernández Barboza, daughter of the soldier, on Tuesday, April 2. “Appeal Judge Katherine Harrington ratified the unjust conviction of my father, General Héctor Hernández Da Costa, despite being innocent, without evidence or witnesses against him and disrespecting the international protection and release measures that my father has,” said Hernández. through the social network X.

Likewise, Hernández Barboza recalled that Major General Christopher Figuera, former director of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (SEBIN) and who was director of the General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence (Dgcim). He spoke about the innocence of General Hernández Da Costa and offered details of how the file was created for him.

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“The illegality of this judicial process against my father is ratified. I ask for justice and full freedom,” said Loredana Hernández Barboza.

In February of this year, the family of General Héctor Hernández Da Costa reported that the soldier was being held incommunicado after his transfer from the headquarters of the Dgcim to the El Rodeo I prison, in the state of Miranda. At the same time, they denounced his precarious state of health. The soldier served as head of the National Anti-Drug Command of the National Guard (GN) until August 13, 2018, when he was arrested.

Conviction without evidence

In addition to General Hernández Da Costa, the condemn 30 years in prison for university student Oswaldo Castillo for the same case of attempted assassination against Maduro.

In this sense, lawyer Theresly Malavé said that the sentence against Castillo “is a living example of what a judge should not be done and, additionally, Oswaldo was never linked to those events and this was proven.


Source: Loredana Hernández Da Costa / Theresly Malavé

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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