In Västerbotten, 24 people took their own lives, i.e. half as many, in 2021. In Västernorrland, the corresponding figure was 51. The data comes from the organization Suicide zero, which wants scientific support when it comes to preventing suicide, providing support to risk groups, training staff, carry out interventions in the school and address risks in the physical environment.

“A very high number”

And all that will be handled via the county-wide action plan against suicide in Norrbotten.

– It is time for the action plan to come. 48 suicides in one year is a very high number and we usually say that for every person another 15 people are affected and they are all in the risk zone, this is shown by the statistics on near-suicide, says Pernilla Nordqvist, division head for psychiatry in Norrbotten.

“The problem could be even bigger”

Richard Bracken, general secretary of Suicide zero, is also satisfied with the regional board’s decision.

– It is more urgent than ever that the region and all municipalities take action and develop their preventive work against suicide. It looks as if the problem will otherwise only get bigger due to increased uncertainty in the outside world and deteriorating economic living conditions, he says.


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