If I were Cilia Flores, I would be worried

For a medium in these times, surpassing seven decades of existence is a real feat.

In the age of digitalization, when the bearer of any device can choose to become a communicator, the challenge for traditional media is to compete at a certain disadvantage, taking into account that the principle of immediacy and the duty to report verified news and not rumors, make the exercise of responsible journalism a true feat compared to the “freedom” and ease with which someone can operate from an independent YouTube channel or social networks.

Since its founding on July 4, 1953, DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS has shouldered responsibilities to the public for which it was created. As the first Spanish-language newspaper in Florida, one of the functions we assume, in addition to our news essence, is the defense and proper use of the language that identifies our culture as its main feature.

Likewise, since its first years of existence, migrations from different nations of the continent have had in DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS the ally that guides them, helps them understand and integrate into the new environment, but at the same time, keeps them in a permanent link with the events of their countries because, as our name indicates, we are the reflection of everything that constitutes news in Latin America.

The years of history of DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS have allowed its pages to report events that are part of the history of the nation and of the thriving city of Greater Miami, considered the capital of the Americas, where the main cultural events of interest to the growing minority that we Hispanics are in the United States converge, and of which we in this newspaper are faithful spokespersons.

And since we do not only live off the history we have built over so many years of experience, the last decade of DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS is recorded in our performance as a stage of transcendental changes.

From an evening newspaper for 60 years, in January 2013 we became a morning newspaper. As we consolidated our digital platform, the printed edition began to be published three times a week and two years later we adopted the weekly format, which allows us to delve deeper into news events in the form of reports, investigations, interviews, opinion pieces and other genres that aim to provide readers with details that the daily information does not go into.

As a complement to the multimedia operation assumed by DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS, we continuously update a digital portal that averages 2.5 million visits each month and registers unique users not only in the US, but also choose us as a news option throughout Latin America, as recorded in our readership reports.

The younger audience that has migrated to our platforms is informed of news content with the dynamism of social networks.

The most innovative step that allowed us to expand operations in the audiovisual world has been our foray into documentary production.

With the most recent one, dedicated to commemorating the anniversary of Operation Pedro Pan, chosen to compete at the Miami Film Festival in 2023, our Publishing House has also been awarded international awards in Barcelona, ​​Spain and Berlin, Germany.

If anything deserves special recognition in the commemoration of this 71st birthday of DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS, it is the determination of its board of directors, headed by publisher Nelson J. Mezerhane G., to keep the media outlet alive in the face of the many challenges of these times.

Likewise, gratitude and respect for the group of professionals who make it possible, from each of the different areas of work, with total dedication and defense of this performance assumed as a mission and priesthood.

For the next seven decades, DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS is committed to continuing to be the mirror and reflection of its readers.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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