A Thai prosecutor puts Daniel Sancho on the ropes: If he had confessed, there would be no death penalty

Daniel Sancho’s new defense strategy does not convince anyone. If a few days ago Big Joke, the number two of the Thai police, sentenced the future of the Spaniard making it clear that he has no escape and that he has ruined his life by committing this crimeis now one of the highest authorities of the Asian country’s Prosecutor’s Office who puts him on the ropes in a revealing interview in Mediaset.

The Prosecutor’s Office accuses Daniel Sancho of three charges: premeditated murder, concealment of the body and destruction of other people’s documentation. The cook, advised by the team of prestigious lawyer Marcos García Montes, has only accepted the last two, thus declaring himself not guilty of ending Edwin Arrieta’s life in a premeditated manner. You are making a mistake and the strategy you are carrying out is not the correct one.also secure Big Joke.

A position in which the prosecutor agrees, who firmly believes that the son of the popular actor acted with premeditation. If Daniel Sancho had confessed everything, there would be no possibility of the death penalty, advances on Telecinco. It was prepared perfectly. He bought the knives and the rest of the material, he did it in advance, he adds, referring to the security cameras that captured the moment in which the young man got hold of all the items just a few hours before the macabre crime.


Daniel Sancho Bronchalo, detained in Thailand.DAILYNEWSvia REUTERS

He bought so many garbage bags to prepare and throw the remains of the body there, not to cook. It is impossible to demonstrate the arguments that Marcos Garca Montes’ team uses to reduce Daniel’s sentence., he continues explaining. Likewise, he insists that the Spaniard should have explained from the beginning that everything was due to a very strong fight with the Colombian surgeon instead of going to the police station to report his disappearance after murdering and dismembering him.

If Daniel Sancho says that he acted in self-defense… No, I’m sorry, but no, he asserts forcefully, destroying the young man’s last statement where he claims that Edwin Arrieta tried to rape him and that he defended himself. Reckless homicide carries a few years in prison, but premeditated homicide carries the death penalty. The Prosecutor has everything necessary to go against himsentence.

A long list of witnesses

On November 27, Daniel Sancho will appear again before the Thai judge for the murder and dismemberment of Edwin Arrieta. The Prosecutor’s Office of the Asian country has a long list of witnesses who will play a key role in the trial; from the police officers who questioned him at the time of the doctor’s disappearance report to two cashiers at the supermarket where he purchased the knives, to the owner of the store where he rented the motorcycle, among others.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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