You are currently viewing A Wizz Air plane returned to the ground immediately after takeoff because it hit… a bird

A plane of the Wizz Air company returned, on Friday evening, to the airport in Iasi shortly after taking off to Bergamo, because the plane hit a bird, reports

Wizz Air planePhoto: / Victor Cozmei

The aircraft was checked on the ground, then took off for Italy.

The plane struck the bird during take-off procedures, with the pilot deciding to return the aircraft to the ground for technical checks.

The aircraft first circled a few times over Iaşi, then landed under normal conditions at the airport in Iaşi.

After some technical checks, it turned out that the plane did not suffer any malfunction, so the aircraft could take off at around 20.50 to Bergamo.

“Such incidents happen, but luckily no one was hurt. The pilot is the one who decides to descend to the ground in such situations, something that happened. The plane then took off without any problems, following technical checks on the ground”, the director of Iaşi Airport, Romeo Vatră, told

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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