A woman in Iran receives 74 lashes for publishing her photo without the veil on social media

TEHRAN.-In another sample of repression in Irana young woman women She received 74 lashes for publishing a photo of herself without the veil on the networks, and was also sentenced to pay a fine, her lawyer reported.

The information released this January 7 indicates that the convicted person, Roya Heshamti, was arrested in April 2023 for “offending public morality”, according to the Judicial Authority, reported by news agencies.

The sentence, the first known in 2024, is released after Parliament approved a bill in September 2023 that toughens penalties for those who violate the dress code, to put an end to the lack of headscarves. The application would be for three years “on a trial basis,” the media reported.

Penalties are also imposed, without the right to appeal, on those who incite women to remove their veils, with prison terms of one to 10 years, for “encouraging corruption,” the Prosecutor’s Office declared in April 2023, according to an Iranian agency. News.

Whippings and fines in Iran

“The convicted person, Roya Heshamti, encouraged permissiveness (by going out) in a despicable manner to crowded places in Tehran,” the Mizan Online judicial press agency said Saturday night, quoted by AFP.

“His sentence of 74 lashes was carried out in accordance with the law and Sharia” and “for violating public morals,” the agency added.

Since the Islamic Revolution imposed by Ayatollah Ruhollah Mousavi Khomein in 1979, the veil or hijab has been mandatory for all women, even foreigners, in Iran.

However, in recent months the appearance of unveiled women in public places has become more frequent, mainly after the protests sparked by the death of Mahsa Amin.

Amin, a 22-year-old Iranian woman of Kurdish origin, was detained and tortured by the Islamic police for not wearing the veil correctly and considering that she violated the dress code, in 2022.

Lawyer Maziar Tatati, who is assisting the young Heshamti, told the reformist newspaper Shargh that his client “was arrested in April for having published a photo without a veil on social networks.”

He added that Heshamti had also been fined “for not wearing the Muslim headscarf in public,” according to the news agency.

Source: With information from AFP, newtral.es, publico,es, Diario Las Américas editorial staff

Tarun Kumar

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