On May 4, 2021, it is the event of the legislative elections: the Socialist Party (PS) concludes an agreement with La France insoumise (LFI) and forms, also with the French Communist Party (PCF) and Europe-Ecologie-les- Greens (EELV), the New Popular Ecological and Social Union (Nupes). With this coalition, the left won 151 seats. If they do not form a single group, the meetings are monthly and the work is collective in the hemicycle.

Future of the union, place de Mélenchon … The busy agenda of the left

Yes, but here it is. After a year of ups and downs, Nupes is stuck on its very essence: electoral strategy. If the agreement was signed for the 2022 legislative elections, its renewal for future deadlines is debated. Gathered on the evening of Tuesday May 2 to take stock and launch “Act 2” of the Nupes, the leadership of the various parties exposed their differences. Without calling into question the union of the left.

The sequel after the ad

First, on the procedure for the European elections of 2024. LFI leaders are in favor of a common list. “It would be the only way to match and exceed the National Rally”, justified François Ruffin at the end of April. A proposal that would appeal to 76% of left-wing sympathizers, according to an Ifop poll produced for the “JDD “. But between federalist ecologists, socialist defenders of Europe, rebels and eurosceptic communists, there are many differences.

The Greens opposed to the “forcers” of LFI

The main rejection came from environmentalists. Traditionally favored by the European election, the Greens want to go it alone. ” We talk when they (LFI) want a lot of things but the Europeans, it’s a no”decided upon his election in December the boss of the Greens, Marine Tondelier, on France-Inter, intimating to the rebellious “to stop doing the forcing”. A position reiterated during the meeting on Tuesday, although the positions diverge: the deputy Sandrine Rousseau defends the common list and the former boss Julien Bayou is not opposed to it.

In the PCF, the common list is not possible either. “We can’t imagine having on the same list people who defend everything and its opposite”slice Ian Brossat with AFP, calling for “coherence” for voters. On the side of the Socialists, divided between pro and anti Nupes, we say we are ready to discuss a common list. “If we see that we don’t agree, we each make our lists and a non-aggression pact”explains the secretary general of the PS Pierre Jouvet.

Fabien Roussel cultivates his difference and challenges the Nupes

Ignoring the moods of their partners, the rebellious continue to call for a rally. Manuel Bompard suggested opening “the discussion on the Europeans before the summer”. The LFI coordinator even said he was ready to discuss a head of the environmentalist list. “I hear that we would not agree on everything, but in the 650 measures of the June 2022 program, we had agreed on the European question”he recalled.

The sequel after the ad

Primaries to appoint the single candidate in 2027?

Would autonomous lists sign the end of the Nupes? “Those who say this know that there will be no common list but want to make us bear the burden of division”, denounces Marine Tondelier to AFP. The national secretary of EELV even gave the tempo of the union by indicating that she would like a single candidate or a single candidate on the left for the presidential election of 2027.

The anti-Mélenchon left believes in its future

A proposal more shared by the various members of the Nupes, with the exception of the Communists. Wednesday, Deputy André Chassaigne said to himself “not favorable, in the current state of the balance of power”. More extreme, Fabien Roussel estimated during the meeting on Tuesday evening, that the Nupes was “a cannonball, a camisole”. Refusing the possibility of common lists in the national elections, the national secretary of the PCF took another step towards leaving the union.

For the others, it is the method that is debating. In the “Journal du dimanche”, on April 30, Marine Tondelier proposed “a cooperative of goodwill which would play the role of campaign committee for 2027”and who would propose ” a method “ for the nomination of this candidate. For the socialist deputy Jérôme Guedj, the “method” is all found: “We must build a coalition contract for the legislative elections to get out of presidential cretinism. And then we’ll look for someone who can embody it. For that, I don’t see any other solution than primaries.”does he have declared Tuesday on Public Senate.

At the PS, behind the battle of the leaders, the Mélenchon question

A proposal which is not favored by LFI and Jean-Luc Mélenchon who could run for a fourth candidacy. A perspective that tires several members of the Nupes: “If the debate for the next four years boils down to ‘Mélenchon, stop or else’, then it will be a failure”, argues Marine Tondelier. If he is aware of the internal divisions, Manuel Bompard continues to believe in the union of the left. In a series of tweets this Thursday to mark the first year of the Nupes, he says: “A year later, the Nupes lives and must continue”. Happy birthday !


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