A young Hispanic woman who weaves hope through the art of weaving

MIAMI.- After returning to Miami from a trip to Dominican Republic as a missionary, together with the BLUE Missions organization, Camille Aranda-Tomas (16), high school student at Our Lady of Lourdes Academy, he knew that something new had blossomed in his young spirit: the vocation of social service.

“On that trip we built a water filtration and transportation system that connects a mountainous region with a town we serve. This social work gave me the opportunity to join a very vulnerable community, thanks to which I became aware of the lack of access to basic services that many people suffer in our countries,” the young woman born in Miami told DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS. daughter of a Paraguayan father and a Cuban mother.

Committed to developing community leadership and determined to begin a budding career in activism social, Camille – thanks to the help of one of her teachers – decided to take action and create a foundation called United with Fabrics, organization that is dedicated to collecting donations of clothing, to later distribute them to foster homes for vulnerable children, one of them, Casa FACCI, who are dedicated to meeting the needs of comprehensive medical treatment for children and adolescents with cancer.

“So far I have achieved important collections with the support of my friends, my classmates, my school, and my family. I think that this support network is the first support that any young person needs to start carrying out work like this,” said the young woman, who despite her young age, is very aware that corruption can be the biggest stumbling block. limit to exercise philanthropy in a transparent and effective way in our countries.

“What worries me most on a social level is the lack of coverage to respond to the basic needs that exist in our communities. As a young woman born and raised in the United States, it was very shocking to travel to the Caribbean islands and witness the inequality and corruption of many governments, which take advantage of donations and resources that should reach the most remote communities. and less privileged. This is why with the creation of United with Fabrics’ I hope to help fight this injustice and directly support those who need it most,” he reflected.

Faith, family and sacrifice

Determined to study Political Science, to later become a lawyer in order to support social injustice, Camille works and studies tirelessly to bring to life what she will call Ambrosio Act, a collaboration with the Latino Victory Fund, an organization that strives to achieve higher rates of Latino representation at all levels of government.

“The Ambrosio Act will present a quota of Hispanic representatives determined by the percentage of Latino residents in a district, and moving this forward is one of my goals in the medium term. On the other hand, I would also love United with Fabrics’ will collaborate with one of my favorite brands, Agua Bendita, and that a percentage of sales will directly benefit low-income Hispanic households,” he announced.

Without neglecting her excellent academic level, Camille Aranda-Tomas seeks to raise awareness and unite wills through her foundation, a dream that she will continue to give life to with the unconditional support of her parents, Catherina Tomas and Rodrigo Aranda.

“Many times we are so lost in daily duties that we forget that there are millions of people in the world who live in poverty and who survive in very precarious conditions. Without being able to cover their basic needs such as access to drinking water, food and clothing. The absence of these basic resources can have a very negative psychological influence on our communities, giving way to social scourges that we see daily in some of our countries of origin,” the young woman reflected.

Asked what is the greatest difficulty she faces when it comes to making social work and academic life compatible, she commented:

“Lack of time is a challenge. Social service is my passion and I love doing it, but promoting an altruistic organization is a job that requires a lot of time and dedication. On the other hand, I am in the process of applying to universities, studying for my school exams. I have a very rigid schedule of activities to achieve the balance between school and my mission of service. Many times I have to sacrifice the little free time I have, or even the hours of sleep to achieve my goals, but it is part of what we must do to achieve our dreams,” he said.

“I think that everything can be achieved, and the key to achieving my goals is my family. They are the ones who drive me and are always there to help me with everything I need and in everything they can. The family is the cornerstone and the fundamental pillar that all young people need to fulfill our dreams,” she concluded.

To donate to this cause through this link https://gofund.me/12fd42cdsaw the profile on Instagram @unidos.con.tejidos_

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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