A young man dies stabbed in Getxo

A young man died this past morning as a result of injuries received by a White weapon in the Getxo neighborhood of Algorta. The Policewith the collaboration of the Getxo Local Policehas arrested a total of five minors.

The facts

As reported he Basque Security Department a Europa Press, the event occurred at night this Saturday in the vicinity of Plaza Satistegi, in Getxo. A zone busy and with many bars of the Vizcaya town.

Around 11:20 p.m., the Ertzaintza learned that an altercation had occurred on public roads in Algorta, where a young man had been attacked with a White weapon. quickly, agents from the Getxo police station and the Local Police, as well as health personnel, have moved to the place.

Now, there they found the victim with very serious injuries, for which he was evacuated to the Cruces hospital, in Barakaldo. Shortly after, has been confirmed the news that no one wanted to arrive: his death.

open investigation

Before midnight, the Ertzaintza – again jointly with the Getxo Local Police – located a man in the Algorta metro station. five minors allegedly involved in this attack and have proceeded to their arrest.

Likewise, in a trash can at the station they have located two knives with traces of blood that, presumably, have been used to commit the homicide. From the Getxo police station a open investigation to clarify this homicide.

Messages of encouragement and support

The mayor of Getxo, Amaia AguirreHe has wanted express his discomfort publicly, at the opening ceremony of Ibilaldia, in the face of these types of episodes. I have to start my intervention by saying that Getxo no tolerates these behaviors, he said.

Furthermore, he added: It is a municipality of coexistence and we work for it day by day. My condolences to the young man’s family. AND has not been the only one what he wanted convey a hopeful message to your closest circle. Social networks have been filled with publications encouragement and support for all your friends and family.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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