The secret relationship of Julia Janeiro and Carlo Costanzia's brother, arrested for attempted murder

These are not easy times for the family of Carlo Costanzia di Costiglione. The three children of the Italian aristocrat are under the eye of justice for various reasons. His firstborn, Carlo Costanzia, is convicted of a continuous crime of aggravated fraud for which he has to wear a telematic bracelet and sleep in a prison; his brother Pietro, arrested for alleged attempted murder; and Rocco, also behind bars for being his accomplice.

Far from problems with the law, the Costanzia brothers are once again making headlines after Carlo and Pietro star in some of this week’s covers in the tabloid press. On the one hand, the Toy Boy actor who lives a most passionate romance with Alejandra Rubio, the granddaughter of María Teresa Campos; and on the other, his brother since this Wednesday his secret relationship with Julia Janeiro has come to lightthe daughter of Jesulín de Ubrique and María José Campanario.

The magazine Lecturas reveals on its cover that the relationship between Pietro Constanzia and Julia Janeiro would have extended in time until just fifteen days ago. The affair between Carlo’s brother and the influencer began in May 2023 shortly after she broke up with her previous partner, the footballer Tommy Rossi. I can say that it was a very turbulent relationship and when Julia’s parents discovered this relationship, they did not like it at all.points out Jos Antonio Avils in Viva la vida.

They were a couple, they were boyfriends. The sagas intersect. I asked Pietro about this relationship and he confirmed it. In addition, he sent me an image to confirm it (…) The relationship was long, adds the television collaborator. As if that were not enough, Avils points out one more detail: Do you remember a period in which there was talk of Juls wanting to appear on programs, doing a canutazo, etc.? Well, Pietro didn’t like that at all.

The thing doesn’t stop there. The daughter of Jesulín de Ubrique and María José Campanario traveled to Milan and Turin on numerous occasions to spend time with Pietro. I even met part of the Costanzia family, they say.

A truncated relationship

Luis Pliego, director of Semana, provides more information. The journalist tells how this romance arose and the fatal outcome as a result of Pietro’s problems with the Italian authorities: A flirtation begins through social networks, it is a relationship that moves from stage to stage.

It starts in Barcelona, ​​there are meetings in Marbella, Turin and Milan. It’s not a night, it’s a relationship. In Madrid too. It was a relationship until very recently, but they are still in contact, he says. The events that have occurred in Italy with Pietro’s arrest have truncated this relationship, but they were talking until fifteen days ago, he adds.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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