Actor Pierce Brosnan pleads guilty to entering Yellowstone area

MAMMOTH.- He actor Pierce Brosnan, who declared culpable on March 14 of going off a trail and entering a restricted thermal area during a November visit to the National Park of Yellowstonewas discovered after posting photographs online, according to court records.

Brosnan, who appeared at the court hearing in Mammoth, Wyoming, was fined $500 and ordered to make a $1,000 donation by April 1 to Yellowstone Forever, a nonprofit organization that supports the park, according to records. documents. Prosecutors had recommended a $5,000 fine and a two-year probation sentence.

A second misdemeanor charge, for violating closures and use limits, was dismissed by U.S. Magistrate Judge Stephanie Hambrick.

The actor apologizes

The actor posted an apology on his Instagram account saying he made an impulsive mistake and called himself an environmentalist with the greatest respect and love for the natural world.

I deeply regret my transgression and offer my sincerest apologies to everyone for invading this protected area. Yellowstone and all of our National Parks must be cared for and preserved for all to enjoy, Brosnan wrote.

Brosnan said he did not see a no trespassing sign as he entered the thermal area to take a photo and did not walk in the immediate area. He ended the message with #StayOnThePath.

The actor, 70, walked in a prohibited area in Mammoth Terraces, in the northern part of Yellowstone, near the Wyoming-Montana border, on November 1, according to the park’s complaint. He was on a personal visit to the park and not to work on a film, the Wyoming U.S. Attorney’s Office said.

However, he posted images on Instagram of himself standing in the snow, according to court records.

thermal areas

Mammoth Terraces is a picturesque spot of mineral-encrusted hot springs bubbling from a hillside. They are among hundreds of distinctive thermal areas in the park, ranging from gushing geysers to gurgling clay pots, with water near the boiling point.

Going out of bounds in these areas can be dangerous; among the millions of people who visit Yellowstone each year, some have been seriously burned by ignoring signs warning them not to stray from the trail.

Getting caught violating the rules can also bring legal jeopardy, with costly fines, denied access to the park, and even prison sentences.

Brosnan acted in four James Bond films, starred in the 1980s television series Remington Steele and is known for his leading roles in the films Mrs. Doubtfire (Dad forever) y The Thomas Crown Affair (El secreto de Thomas Crown).


Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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