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The British actor Russell Brand has been accused by four women of rape, sexual assault and emotional abuse between 2006 and 2013. The presenter has defended himself with a video on social networks and has denied this, ensuring that “he was very promiscuous” and his relationships were “transparent.”

The British Justice has woken up this Sunday with a new scandal to deal with when it has been announced that Actor and presenter Russell Brand has been accused by four women of rapesexual assaults and emotional abuse, according to an investigation carried out by the newspapers The Times and Sunday Timesand television Channel 4.

The four women claimed to have suffered sexual assault by Brand between 2006 and 2013, at the height of his fame as a presenter in the United Kingdom and an actor in Hollywood, while other women said they had suffered from his conduct. “controlling, abusive and predatory.”

In fact, one of the young women who filed the complaint I was 16 years old at the time of what happened.

Russell Brand assures that “he was always transparent”

The actor shared a video on his social networks a few hours before these accusations came to light in which he denied having committed this. In said clip, Brand did not refer to what accusations what it was about or what media had investigated the facts.

Without giving many details, he justified that he “absolutely rejected” the accusations and clarified that they dated back to when he worked in the mainstream world of cinema. Even He called these complaints “pretty stupid.”

“So I was very very promiscuous and the relationships I had were always consensual. I was always transparent with them, maybe even too transparent,” he noted.

Russell Brand wonders in the same video if “there is a coordinated plan behind these accusations.”

In recent years, this actor has become a firm defender of conspiracy theories on thorny topics such as the coronavirus or 9/11.

Justice has not yet ruled on the matter.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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