I have many reasons to be happy

MIAMI.- Once again Adamari Lopez addresses how it relates to Tony Costathe Spanish dancer with whom she had a relationship for almost 10 years. Although the romance ended three years ago, the presenter and actress assures that Alaa, The daughter they share is the central axis of their contact.

“I thought it was going to be a lifelong relationship. We had been together for almost 10 years, we had a daughter and, well, you imagine one thing but God or life has a different proposal for you and you have to adapt, learn, grow and keep moving forward looking for new horizons, enjoying life, trying to learn from those things that have happened to keep growing and not make the same mistakes,” Adamari told the magazine. People in Spanish on how she moved on after the breakup.

With the storm that eclipsed romance in the past, Now they both focus on maintaining a healthy dynamic for their daughter, and they also try to maintain family contact.

“Usually our conversations focus on our daughter. If we ever have a little time to talk about something else, we ask about the family, although I often talk to Alaa’s grandmother. Maybe we can talk about this: how is your sister, how are my brothers, or things that have happened in the family. But very briefly. I mean, we talk on the phone, we write to each other, but they are usually topics related to that or congratulating each other on our birthdays; but there are no deeper topics that go beyond the issues of the girl.”

New loves

Adamari emphasized that she has no problem with Costa opening up to love, just as he cannot have a problem with her meeting someone.

“If he dates someone, if I date someone, those things are not our business,” she explained.

However, she said that it will always be a priority to meet and share with the future partners of both, since each one focuses on Alaa’s well-being and that merits knowing who the people are around them. “I don’t want to say that I am not interested in talking about these issues because, although it is each person’s decision who they go out with, it is also good, I think, to know who they are going out with in order to know who your daughter is with. Everything in relation to the girl.”

“That doesn’t mean that I have the authority or that he has the authority over who I go out with or who he goes out with, but I do want to know if he goes out with someone to see how the girl behaves, how the girl thinks, if she is ready, if he told her, if he didn’t tell her, normal things. But everything in relation to the girl, nothing in relation to wanting to get into each other’s personal lives.”

Regarding giving himself a new chance at love, he said that it is not something he is looking for at the moment, but he does not rule out the possibility that it could happen.

“I’m not closed to love, but I’m not looking for it either. I’m happy and calm with what’s happening. I know and I’m clear about what I want and what I visualize if at some point I have a partner, but, I tell you, I’m not clinging to the fact that it has to happen now. I don’t want to rush anything. Just as the girl arrived in God’s time, well in God’s time that partner will come just as I dream and imagine, knowing that there is no perfect person but that one who is more aligned with the way of thinking and being that I have.”

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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