A van was shot at by motorcyclists in an attempted robbery/web

Insecurity continues unabated in Tolosa. According to the residents who live there, the neighborhood has always been characterized by its tranquility and peacefulness but “for at least 10 years it has become a no man’s land.”

This is demonstrated by the large number of episodes of insecurity that occur daily in its streets, situations that instill fear and that generate the feeling that “after 6 in the afternoon the best thing is not to even show up on the sidewalk.”

As they describe, every day in the WhatsApp groups that the neighbors make up to deal with issues inherent to insecurity, they report on acts committed on public roads both by motorbikes and by adolescents who threaten with sharp objects.

To these modalities must also be added the entrances and escruches, two criminal specialties that are commonplace throughout the northern zone.

The residents of Tolosa coexist with all this. Among the frontists they maintain that “there is no habit, but rather that the cases are no longer surprising because they are all the same.”

That is why the situation that happened yesterday set off alarms among residents who now “fear that a dangerous precedent has been set.”

As this newspaper was able to find out, as if it were a mafia war movie, a van was savagely shot at yesterday at 531 and 118 by two individuals who were riding a motorcycle. It was an attempted robbery that nearly ended in tragedy.

Based on what could be reconstructed with the testimonies of neighbors, the vehicle, in which at least five young people were traveling, the thugs had been following this vehicle from diagonal 74 and 37.

The incident occurred in the middle of the morning. From one moment to the next, the silence that prevailed in the streets turned to chaos and despair with a shootout. There were several neighbors who saw his sleep interrupted. Hours later some went out and collected at least three served pods.

For many residents, the day passed in a framework of concern that worsened around 5:00 p.m. when two boys tried to take the bicycle from a girl on the same corner. Despite the fact that they did not manage to get anything out of her, they left her in a total state of shock as a result of the fist blows that they gave her in the stomach to rob her.

Although from early on the possibility of holding a meeting with the commissioner had been analyzed, this situation ended up hastening the decision to concentrate on the Sixth police station, 116 and 530, today at 7:00 p.m.


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