Aitana makes the leap to photography: this is her secondary Instagram account

Fame came to Aitana in the same way that lightning burns a tree during an electrical storm: suddenly and creating a fire that little by little became bigger and bigger.. The Academy of Operation Triumph It was her stroke of electricity and the work that she has not stopped undertaking since she emerged as runner-up in the contest has turned out to be the flames of the branches. His musical career has developed with that intensity. However, it is not the only facet of Catalan. And an Instagram account has been opened to show it.

The network archaeologists who have found the inslito perfil de Aitana They have been their own followers. Under the name of fromelectricbluespace The singer has created a space where she can share the work she does for Hobbie in which it has already been revealed as his new passion: the photographer. This is how he puts an image to his journeys around the globe.

From a squirrel to Frida Kahlo

Hello, my name is Aitana and I’m enjoying taking photos of my trips., reads the user description. It is a certainly original profile full of black and white photos that review the Barcelona native’s days in Mexico. From a squirrel to posed with paintings and snapshots in the street and passing through altars to the dead and references to Frida Kahlo. More than one image focuses on his father, Cosimowho acts as an improvised model for the artist’s new talent.

His followers have been quick to express the joy that is born when one sees their favorite artist embark on a new adventure from the beginning. Is there something you’re not good at?one follower questioned, to which another added: Your photos have a lot of inspiration, it shows that to take each image you first have to love each art. And so it is. Objective in hand, Aitana embarks on an adventure whose first steps leave their mark on the Aztec land.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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