President Alberto Fernandez affirmed today that he is going to “return to the Tucumans” the chief of staff and governor of Tucumán on leave, Juan Manzurso that it “leads Peronism to victory”, after the coordinating minister expressed his intention to lead the electoral campaign in his province.

“Now that a time of inflection is coming, we are going to return Juan to the Tucumans so that he can work with the Tucumans, so that he can lead Peronism to victory,” Fernández emphasized when inaugurating the Los Nogales and El Manantial transformer stations in Tucumán.

During an activity with Manzur, the President highlighted: “I want to ask you to call us to reflection, to listen to each other, because it is time to decide. On May 14 you are going to decide who governs Tucumán. Do not forget the Argentina that you left us“.

Alberto’s gratitude to Juan Manzur

“There were difficult moments, I had to endure a pandemic, I had to endure the war, I had to endure internal conflicts, why not say it. There was a difficult moment where I needed Juan to accompany me at the head of the Cabinet of Ministers. I asked him to come, to leave the Tucumán government for a while, to help me,” he recalled.

In this sense, the head of state expressed: “Thank you Juan for accompanying me all this time that you did. You did it loyally, you did it well, you did it with great force, you did it with the slogans we had to seek unity. Thank you Juan because you helped me all this time“.

“We are entering the last year of the mandate that the people gave me on October 27, 2019 and that I assumed on December 10, 2019. These were very difficult times, but we always stood up and acted looking for what I promised to do on the first day : attend to the last ones first,” Fernández emphasized in another section of his speech.

Juan Manzur from Tucumán had come to Fernández’s Cabinet with the idea of ​​revitalizing management.

In an electoral key, the national president recognized that “there are many things to solve” and stated: “We have to generate more work, put an end to the inflation problem, let Argentina grow. We must continue on that path. The path of those of us who think of the Argentine men and women, of whom we think of as the last, those who are at the bottom of the well, to whom we must lend a hand to bring them back to live with dignity”.

“Don’t forget the poverty into which they plunged millions of Argentines, nor the 25 billion dollars with which they indebted us,” said Fernández in a direct criticism of Together for Change.

“Tucuman Peronism is going to follow you”

In his turn, Manzur sent a message to the interior of the Frente de Todos and supported the head of state: “Whatever you decide, Tucuman Peronism will follow you. Moments of turning points are coming in the political life of Argentina.” .

“We must act prudently, with serenity. It cannot be that this country that is taking off after everything that is happening to us cannot return to those who founded it,” stressed the governor of Tucumán on leave.

Besides, He recognized that in the official coalition there are “differences”, which he considered “healthy, good and logical to have them”, but warned that “they can never be bigger” than those they have with former President Mauricio Macri.

In this context, Manzur announced that he will be Osvaldo Jaldo’s campaign manager for the provincial elections: “Today once again I can assure, in front of all this leadership and this militancy, the next governor is called Osvaldo Jaldo. He is the governor” .

Manzur assured Fernández of the support of the

Manzur assured Fernández of the support of “Tucuman Peronism.”

“I assume total and full responsibility. Governor Jaldo’s campaign manager is called Juan Manzur. I am the campaign manager. Once again, I will lead them to victory,” he asserted.

Lastly, the Chief of Staff ruled: “Peronism never abandons, it does not leave anyone alone, especially when it assumes a responsibility of this magnitude. That is why today everyone, without exception, those who are part of our space, those who are in Peronism, we are going to accompany Osvaldo Jaldo”.

After the coordinating minister reported that he will lead the electoral campaign in Tucumán, the Casa Rosada did not confirm when he will leave office or who will be his replacement.


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